Being a Student in 2024 | Teen Ink

Being a Student in 2024

November 15, 2024
By 5zehner GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5zehner GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being a student today is being with my friends. My friends are those who I keep close, who I know I can talk to about anything. I know they always have my back, and they know I have theirs. Through thick and through thin, each of us will be there for the rest.

Being a student is about learning through experiences. Getting into trouble with my buddies, just not too much trouble. Some of my best memories resulted in my friends and I doing something dumb for a laugh. Toilet papering houses, ding dong ditching houses, and being loud at sleepovers gave us consequences, but at the same time, memories.

Being a student is not being afraid to be myself around people I’m close with. My best friendships are with those I find I don’t have to be someone else in front of. Having a sense of belonging is crucial for anybody's self-esteem, I am no different. As a high schooler trying to find out who I am, knowing I have a safe space with my friends gives me security, a home away from home. 

Being a student is helping each other with homework. I have memories of many late nights after basketball or baseball practice, worrying about finishing chemistry labs, math homework, or studying for my history test. My friends got me through that. Tired phone calls at eleven at night helped me to get by — both in learning and with laughs. 

Being a student today is finding myself, through others. Learning how my friends can help me in all different ways. High school is not only about learning, but giving kids the experiences they need to socialize in their future. Thankfully, I’ve been learning, building connections, and making friends that hopefully, will last me a lifetime, and then some. 

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