Justice for Shanice LaShae Bean | Teen Ink

Justice for Shanice LaShae Bean

April 24, 2015
By Anonymous

Shanice LaShae Bean was a 17-year-old high school cheerleader full of life, love, and compassion. Her time on Earth was tragically cut short due to a accident caused by a salt truck leaking hydraulic fluid on the roadway, causing it to be slick and dangerous. She lost control of her vehicle as a result of coming in contact with the fluids on a curve. Three other accidents happened as well, and two more slid off the road and were not reported. To facilitate a cover-up, the State and law officials are voicing to the media and the court systems that she was responsible for her own accident as well as 2 of the others. Someone needs to take action to defend her, as she is not able to. Lets help her get the justice she deserves. People need to be held accountable for their actions! Her life may not seem valuable to them, but there is a huge hole in the heart of her friends and loved ones.


We are petitioning to have the criminal negligence case reopened and investigated fully by unbiased officials.The Hopkins County Grand Jury ruled it as being an unfortunate and tragic accident, and choose not to hold theKentuckyTransportation Cabinet responsible, even though they were aware of the spillage hours prior to the incident and had adequate time to clean the spill up.Our small town is trying to lay blame on an innocentchild who is not able to defend herself, rather than take action against KTC due to an age old law protecting state employees of wrong doing when they are guilty of negligence. Kentucky State Police went as far as to refuse to do a scene reconstruction when it became quickly known that a state operated truck is the responsible party that caused the tragic chain of events. A Hopkins County Deputy even began changing his story as time passed. Let's give this child justice and peace!!!!!

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