In That Very Instant | Teen Ink

In That Very Instant

October 18, 2016
By Anonymous

When I was little my grandparents had a two bedroom, one bathroom trailer on the lake. it was nothing fancy but it meant everything to me. We would go there every Sunday after church. My family would cram in our little van  and make the ten minute journey to the lake. 

My mom told me to go get my towel from the car. So, I wandered out there, going about my own business. After searching through the over-packed van, success. I go to close the door. Being too little to shut the door by the handle, I firmly place both hands on the flat side of the door. Somehow my left hand slips off the door and my thumb got stuck in the door.

I stand there. Eyes wide. Heart pounding and my mind just racing. After a long couple of seconds, I try to do something about it. I reach my right hand across the door trying to reach the handle. My fingertips just barely reaching the door. I didn’t have enough of my hand on it to open the door.  Standing there in shock I don’t know what else to do. Then My desperate cry for help comes crawling shakely from my mouth. “HELP, HELP”

My sister appears from the corner of the trailer. Casually walking until she heard me yelling. Her slow meander turn into a hasten run “ What do I do?” she exclaimed

I said, “go get mom, hurry”

She started running away yelling “Mom,Mom,Mom” Until she reached  her. The time she was away felt like infinity. She finally returns and my family follows behind her. Their faces showed more terror than seeing a dead body. Nobody know what what happening, they just knew that I was in trouble. As they arrive to the van, they all see that my thumb is trapped in the door.  Reacting quickly my Mom slowly opened the door trying not to demolish my entire thumb. I got to the point where I was able to pull my thumb out. Scared beyond all compare, I thought that I no longer had a thumb. I didn’t want to look.

Everybody circles around me like a wolf who just brought home dinner to its cubs.  After we got the blood cleaned up the wound was not as bad as it actually felt. There was a pretty good size gash running horizontally across the middle of my thumb. There were no broken bones showing but It felt like there should have been.


From that day forward I learned to never close the door like that again.

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