Charlie | Teen Ink


October 25, 2016
By Eli113 BRONZE, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Eli113 BRONZE, West Bloomfield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney

“ Eli come in here, I have something to show you!”, my mom exclaimed excitedly.

I slowly tiptoed into the computer room, wondering what is going on.

“Look”, my mom said softly. As I gazed into the computer with huge eyes and my mouth as wide as an ocean, I could not believe what I was seeing.

It was a puppy, and really it wasn’t just any puppy,  it happened to be the cutest puppy I had ever seen. He had one blue eye and one brown eye, golden fur, and a big brown nose. His name was Charlie, he was a 1 month old Cockapoo. He was a very unique and different puppy; just like me.


“Your Aunt Julie is going to really try to get this puppy, it wouldn’t be fair if we stole it from her.”

“Oh.” “Why would you show me this if you knew we weren’t going to get him!” I squealed.

I couldn’t sleep that night. Knowing that the puppy I wished for so badly was going to belong to some other family, was just heartbreaking.

The next morning my mom delivered some exciting news, “Apparently Charlie arrived in a litter of puppies.” “So?” “I don’t want one of his sisters, I want him” I said in a spoiled manner.

My mom explained to me that since my Aunt knew that I desired Charlie terribly, she would try to score one of his sisters. After doing somewhat of an hour of research, I learned that we will need to fill out an application to earn Charlie, and whoever had the perfect application would receive the dog.

My mom got my family together and in a very eloquent voice calmly said, “We need to find a way to get this puppy, so what should we say when we get interviewed?”

“Shouldn’t we just be ourselves so they would actually know if we are even capable to raise their puppy”, I whispered.

The meeting quickly ended, and we all slowly walked into the car to go to the adoption event with worry all over our faces. Nobody knew what was going to happen. When we were traveling on our way to the adoption event we prayed that we would be the only family there so they wouldn’t need to choose from many applications. It was a pretty quiet ride.

When we arrived our mouths dropped. The line to get one of the dog’s in Charlie’s litter was out the door, and over 50 applications were filled out to get 1 of the 4 dogs in the litter.

“We are screwed”, My brother said loudly.

My dad told me what he usually says in times like this, “If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”

We got into the line and talked normally about what it would be like to get another dog. Once we hustled to the front of the line (which took 1 or 2 hours) I didn’t have much hope left in me. Reality got to me and I realized only 1 family out of 50 will get Charlie, and likely it won’t be us. I saw Charlie in his cage with his big eyes, and beautiful curly fur. I reached my tiny hand in his large cage ( which was against the rules) as his big wet nose stroked my hand, I knew that he would be my dog. I quickly removed my hand from the cage as the dog rescue manager yelled at me with a disgusting voice to pull it out. We just handed in our application and left.

It took them a long week to scam over the applications. In that time I went to Cedar Point which kind of helped me get my mind off of the dog for a little, and I was happy I was able to enjoy an awesome weekend with the family.

The next day when we got home from our trip we received a call from the dog rescue, my mom put the phone on speaker.

I was waiting impatiently  “Congrats Rubin family, you got Kelly!”
With a worried voice my mom said “ But we applied for Charlie, if we got any dog other than Charlie we will have to pass.”

The rescue stated without hesitation “If you want Charlie, Charlie’s yours.”

That was the happiest I think I have ever been.

My mom reached her hands out slowly for me to hug her and as I was running towards her as fast as I could I said, “ I knew it.”

The next day Charlie arrived at our house, he was the softest thing I have ever felt. After we officially adopted him, we each thought for a moment about how lucky we are to of got him.

For my whole life people have always told me “ Stop trying” “You are never gonna get what you want.” I was sick of hearing this because there was always something inside me that knew I was going to get this dog. Reflecting back on this experience I realized that if you never try you are never gonna get what you want.
I looked at my new dog, he looked back at me with his sparkling eyes, at that moment I knew we would be great friends.

The author's comments:

I always was kind of told that I could never get want even if I tried as hard as possible, I am writing this piece to show them thata nything is posssible and if you try hard enough you get what you want.

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