Bruno | Teen Ink


December 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Dad yelled out in the most nervous, fearful voice, “Marla Marla!”

And at that moment I new something was wrong,I heard her running down the stairs and out the back door. I looked out my window and saw my dog

I thought to myself, “ What are they doing to him? Why are they holding him down? What did he do? Why is he shaking?”

I felt tears running down my face, I couldn't look any more. I turned to see my little sister staring back at me with the most saddest confused look on her face

I said in a the most calm voice I could, “ Don't look out the window.”

She ran to my bed and curled up on my lap. I rubbed her back trying to keep her calm, trying to keep myself calm.The tears still rolling down my face. About two minutes past

Dad then yelled again this time for my sister, “Victoria Victoria!”
I heard her running down the stairs and out the back door. I can just hear mumbling of the voices outside but then I hear the pws tip-tapping on the floor inside the house.

I thought to myself, “He's moving that's good. I think?”
Then I stop hearing the tip-tapping. I hear a thump; that's when I shot up from my bed.
I told my little sister, “Stay here, I will be right back. Dont movie. Okay?”

I walk down the stairs to see  him  shaking  uncontrollably, with everyone holding him trying to keep him still. He was throwing up and peeing everywhere. Then it was done he started walking normal he was so happy to see everyone. You can here the tip tapping of  his paws as they touched the floor. Then again, thump, he is on the floor shaking uncontrollably. This happened over and over again. Whiles this was happening Victoria was looking up what was wrong with him. The capture said that he was having seiszures and if he has more than some number then he could die. They wrapped him in a blanket so they can carry him and took him to the hospital. Leaving me and my four sisters behind to clean up the mess.  It was awful, as we were cleaning, we prayed. Prayed that everything will be okay. We all had tears running down our faces. After we finished cleaning all the throw up and pee that was all over the family room, we decided to watch funny movies till they came home. I feel asleep right away. 

They came home with him and told use what the doctor said, “He just has epilepsy and he has to take these pills.”

I thought to myself , “This is good”

I started hearing the tip tapping of his paws again 

But after a week  his eyes started to twitch constantly,he started running into walls and he couldn't walk straight.Then thump! The seizures were back, we took him to the hospital they keeped him for a while but he was getting worse. We worked so hard to get him better took him for walks gave him antibiotics.But nothing was working.

He started not being able to walk or even stand up,his eyes were still twitch constantly
Then the worst thing you could ever hear from the vet

“He's not getting any better his suffering a lot. It's time to decide if you want to put him down”
I thought to myself ,“DOWN!’ “No way not down! Anything but down!”

But it was the right thing to do. We went in the next day to put him down, they walked use to a room where then they pulled him out on a gurney. He was just lying on it not able to move at all. He was looking up at us as we were petting him and saying our last goodbyes. We couldn't do it, we probably stayed in there for like three hours. Then he moved, he was trying to get up. We called the nurse in,

She said in the nicest voice ever, “You have been here for a long time. You are getting used to him not moving. And he is trying to be a good dog and get up for you. You guys are doing the right thing. He is suffering a lot.”
Then we put him down, my two sisters left the room. with tears running down their faces

I stayed there with my parents and Victoria, petting him, telling him how great of a dog he was, telling him that he is going to be in a better place. I felt a brief moment of warmness coming up from my hand that was petting him, going through my body warming it all up. Then a bunch of  stuff drained out of his noice.

“That's it” I thought , “No more of him sleeping in my room protecting me from the darkness. No more will I be able to pet him, be able to feed him the food I didnt want from the dinner table, no more tip tapping of his paws on the floor ”

The author's comments:

Bruno was my dog that died at 2 years old 

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