Wow He Appeared After All | Teen Ink

Wow He Appeared After All

May 22, 2018
By Krissyrivas03 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Krissyrivas03 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It takes a strong man to accept somebody else’s children and step up to the plate another man left on the table….” that is a quote that i can use to describe my relationship with my step dad. There are so many definitions for a stepdad but my own definition is a role model that has taken over a place that has been left by a man who didn’t want to be there for me. This paper is a memoir, one for my very own hero; my step dad.

I’m a big believer in giving recognition  when it deserves to be given. My step dad is everything that being a good dad entitles. He has been in my life for a long four years, and his  wisdom has rubbed off on me as a result of  He has changed my outlook on life, the perspective of certain things and lastly he has given me a gift i thought no one could give me… a father daughter relationship. For all he has done for me and still doing he should know that he is the best dad in the world. I would never ask for a better dad.

I briefly remember going to my older sister to confess and confide in her about something i was doing to keep the relationship i had with my dad. He put me in position where i had betray to mom to help him harm her and it was something that help me realize the kind of person he was. With my spoken betrayal and  hurt in my heart i felt that i had did wrong by my mom by letting myself get manipulated. That particular situation made me gain some trust issues which made it hard for me to confide in my father or any fatherly figure. I endured some negative experiences in result of my dad in having gone through it all this why i appreciate my step dad and all that he is.
I remember on christmas day my step dad had came down from his job in the oil field. I was happy he came, but i was taken by surprise he had a gift for me. In the moment of curiosity i tried to think what my give could be. My mind was full of excitement. When i saw the gray box in his hand i got red and happy he told “ come sit down” so i did and he opened the box and what it appeared to be was an opal ring. i wanted an opal ring and he got for me i never took it off. This memory is meaningful to me because he not only gave me a ring that meant a lot to me. But he took his time to come down from his job and come and give it to me when he could have waited to give it to me when he came back home.

As i sit here writing this paper about my step dad every second i think of a memory that we have had. I think to myself how lucky i am to have a man that i can call my dad. He has got on me about multiple things, but i know he means it because he cares and wants the best for me. I am so proud to call him my dad and have a better man in my life. I feel like the time that i have spent with him our bond is unbreakable.

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