For the Love of Sour Cream Pancakes | Teen Ink

For the Love of Sour Cream Pancakes

October 2, 2018
By emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

6:15 A.M. The noise of my alarm makes me contemplate if I want get out of bed. Thinking about having to go to school is dreadful and the thought of falling back asleep sounds dreamy.

Swiftly, the aroma of pancakes makes its way into my room. The beaters buzz in the metal bowl and the microwave beeps, signaling the melting of the butter.

As I make my way downstairs, still styling my pajamas and blue polka dot bathrobe, my dad greets me,

“Good morning Emily, this is your third time sleeping in this week, and it’s only Wednesday.”

“Yeah dad I know. That darn snooze button gets me every time,” I giggle.

I meander to the couch to doze off one more time, utilizing my dog as a pillow. My dreams fill with thoughts of pancakes and chocolate, and that AP Stats worksheet I forgot to do last night.

I am awoken again by the sweet smell of my pancakes. I take my usual seat at the breakfast bar, alongside my brother, who chooses to have eggs and toast rather than pancakes. He just doesn’t have the taste I do.

The mix of the Aunt Jemima syrup and the fluffy pancakes is flawless. The addition of chocolate chips boosts the taste even more. I devour every bite, and even keep some chocolate on my mouth for later.

These pancakes remind me of what home feels like. Whether it is when I am in college, living on my own, or in my elder years, the smell of the fluffy sour cream pancakes will eternally remind me of the joy they brought me every morning.

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