Human | Teen Ink


October 11, 2018
By Kenzie768333 BRONZE, Woodruff, South Carolina
Kenzie768333 BRONZE, Woodruff, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Hangman is a great way of saying that the words you use can end someones life!

I have come to the realization that no matter what you will have people come and go. You will also have feelings come and go, I have woke myself up to accept the fact that I like Cole. I can try to tell myself that I do not have feelings for him and tell other that I do not like anyone but the longer I hold on to that the longer I break myself down. I want to tell people but I do not want them to tell him and my world come a crashing because I told one person it and everything crashes. You feelings can make or break you but that is what makes you human. My flaws are what makes me, me and my feelings are what makes me human so I can choose to accept my feelings or break myself down.

The author's comments:

For years I have pushed my emotions away and bottled them all up because I did not want to feel anything. I thought that feeling nothing and being numb would get me pass everything, but it turns out your hurt yourself more holding them than letting them out.

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