My Mother's Kindness | Teen Ink

My Mother's Kindness

October 12, 2018
By emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From the time I began taking the world in, I noticed my mom’s goodness. How she converses with others, how she treats others, and how she treats me. The constant compassion. The altruistic acts, and the manner of her character.

I notice myself possessing her kindness in modest acts. Helping others, treating others with thoughtfulness, and giving my mom the same compassion.  My skills like flowers, that forever grow. My mom like water, feeds me the skills needed.

I aspire to fulfill her legacy of kindness so people knowing me by my kind manor. Just like my mom.

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