Cherish What You Have, Before It’s Gone | Teen Ink

Cherish What You Have, Before It’s Gone

October 18, 2018
By Samarafudge BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Samarafudge BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out of nowhere I think to myself “Why am I here?”

But I knew why I was here. I just couldn’t believe that she’s gone. My best friend gone, how  do you go through that? How do you accept that? I thought to myself as I tried my hardest to walk up to her. All of a sudden, I stopped in the middle of the walkway and all my friends did too, so all you see was a big group of friends holding hand standing there in the middle of the walk way. I saw the top of her face. I didn’t want to believe what I saw.

“Kensie I can't please, I can’t be in here. I can't how do I...”

“I know, but you will feel so dreadful. You will regret not seeing her,” Kensie says softy, like she was trying not to cry herself.

“This isn’t the right time I can't do this.”

“Katana, there is not a right time to see your best friend like this,  you need to be strong, you can walk up there, you can do this, but you have to try, ” she says like she knew she was correct, and she was. I can feel the tears go down my face, them I remembered I told myself I wasn’t going to cry, so I wiped it away and started walking again. It’s really her, laying there. She looks so beautiful her hair, her makeup, her eyebrows, her nails are shining gray that match her outfit. It was all perfectly done. Although she didn’t like pink she sure did love that shirt. Her arms were perfectly crossed, she look so peaceful. I tried my hardest not to cry but I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore, no matter how hard I tried. After awhile, one after one after one the tears just kept falling down my face. I was crying so hard that I couldn’t breathe, then all of a sudden, I couldn’t move. I fell straight to the ground. I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t breathe nor could I move. All my friends got on the ground with me some people started to cry and others tried not to.

“I can't breathe,” I say as the tears fall down my face.

Everyone around me starts hugging me and rubbing my back. Everyone was trying to help me breathe again I didn’t care what was coming out of their mouths all I knew was I missed her. Lexie’s mom walks over to us, she gets on her knees. Then everyone backs up, but I`m there still on the ground not breathing. Her mom puts her arms around me, and says, “I know it hurts, I miss her too. You’ve got to think she’s not suffering anymore, she's happy, she can't be hurt.  She's dancing with Elvis Presley and singing her favorite song with him.” I just kept crying.

“She's gone” I cried. All the words were gone. It was like I only knew two words at that moment.  

“Remember when Lexie went over to your house for your birthday? You were so happy, she woke up at 11:00 in the morning and ran to your house, and she told me that she ran and jumped on the bed to wake you up.  Remember those moments, remember the good moments and not the bad. Right now you might cry but later you will remember the good moments and laugh about them.”

“Wake up it's your birthday I have the whole day planned come one wake up” Lexie said happily.

     “Look I love you but you can but you can be extra sometimes”

       I tried to say but I was just to tired.  

      “What I can’t understand you” Lexie said in a happy tone. I start to sit up and I say,

        “How did u get in here the doors were locked?”

“Never mind, I thought about it, and I probably don’t want to know”

     “I went through your window maybe you should lock your windows for now on” She happily replied.

“I locked the windows last night before I locked the doors” It was just completed silence.

    “Don’t answer that I don’t want to know,” I retorted before she could say anything back.

      “Come on, Lex you're never up this early, just lay down.”

      “It’s your birthday come on I have stuff planned for you this morning!”

      “Okay I’m up. I gotta call my mom and tell her what we are doing,” I say tiredly

  “No you don’t, I talked about it with her yesterday, so she knows everything we are doing.”

I get up and quickly, get dressed, and put on my makeup as Lexie is just yelling at me to hurry up and get out the door. We start walking to her house but she pushes me to the car. I see her mom looking out the window. We get in the car and now we are on the road.

         “Lexie where are we going?”

         “You will see,” she says with a smile on her face.We pull up to a restaurant called Cozy Cottage, my favorite place to go for breakfast. We sit at the booth. Lexie is across from me looking weirdly at me. After we ate breakfast, they start singing happy birthday to me out of nowhere. Lexie was the loudest one she wanted everyone to know that she was singing happy birthday to me.

         “Thank you for the breakfast” I say to Lexie and her mom after we walked out of the restaurant.

We get back on the road, I thought we would be heading home but we went to The dollar tree.They made me sit in the car as they went in. But I was okay with it, because I was still tired. They came out with five different bags. I was so confused.

“What took you guys so long? I was out here for like 10 minutes,” I questioned.

          “We had to get somethings to get,” Lexie says.

           “So where are we going next?”

           “Where would like to go?”

           “I don’t know it's up to you.” I say back to Lexie.We went to the Fort Wayne mall.

         “ I never been here before” I say as we pull up.

         “Come on it will be fun!” Lexie says.

We get out of the car and walk in. There are so many places we don’t know which one we should go to first. So we walk around then we see a candy shop. We walk in and I looked at Lexie her eyes got so big she was filled with excitement. I got a bag of candy Lexie got three bags and said that we could share. Then Lexie runs in another and tries on every hat she could find, And bought three of them out of maybe 30 hates that she tried on.

         “ Lex, I think you had too much candy”

         “No I’m good”

         “LOOK!” she yells

Lexie runs to the mannequins in the window and starts posing with them.

         “Come on, Lex lets go,” her mom says as she tries not to laugh. We walk out of the store with ten bags of stuff. People looked at us funny but we didn’t care.

         “We are on are way home now,” Lexie says

 We are back home now. Lexie takes the bags to her room. She didn’t want me to help her so I sat in the living room. We sit in the living room all my friends are calling me to sing happy birthday. I felt so special, I was so excited hanging out with a friend and all my other friends calling me to see what I’m doing later. I always said I ever knew because Lexie had planned my day out without me knowing.

She gets on her phone and starts text people and I tried to look at her story on Snapchat but she blocked me from it. Everyone starts texting me saying I’ll see you later but didn’t understand what they meant by later, so I just went with it. It’s 4:30 o’clock now and I’m falling asleep on the couch.

    “Hey Lexie where are you what time is it?

She comes out of her room and say, “It’s 6:30 time to get ready.”

“For what?” I asked.

“We are going stating. I can’t believe you slept that long what time did you go to bed last night?”

“I was with you. I didn’t get any sleep last night, because I was with you” I said a little louder than I said anything else, but it wasn’t completely shouting.

“Oh right,” Lexie said.

I say, “Yeah”

I walk to my house so I can get ready for skating. It was already 7 o'clock when I walked to her house.

“Where’s your mom?”

“She’s at work”

“How do we go skating then?”

“We walk”


  “I'm almost ready to go hold on.”

As we are walking to the skating rink, Lexie falls and messes up her hair.

       “We have to walk back”

    “Come on, Leex we are almost there’s it’s kind of a far walk, just keep walking”

She was mad, we turned around and headed back to the house to fix her hair and then started walking again. Finally, we made it to the skating rink. We were a little late it’s 7:30.  But there were so many people outside waiting. We walk up there and everyone is yelling at me and Lexie, I didn’t know why until we got closer. It was that was all of our friends standing outside waiting for us. We got closer they all started saying happy birthday to me. Then we walking in.

“Regular skates,” I say

“Here you go”I start counting the money to give him but he just hands me the ticket.

“Um don’t u need the money?”

“No your already paid for”

“Oh thank you”

I was so confused but I was ok with it. The skating rink was packed with people.

“Hey do you know where Lexie is?”I asked everyone that she was seen last with. They all no they haven’t seen her.

  “ where were you, Lex”

  “Hanging out with some of our friends”

   “Did you tell all of these people to come?”

  “Yeah they’re all here for you, Katana”

   “Lex, I told you I didn’t want a party”

   “I know but some of these people we never get to see”

   “Lexie, ok I will try to have fun but after this we are going home,I told you I didn’t want a party”

   We all take pictures together, there were more pictures then skating. We are halfway through, skating is almost over, the. The couples skate. We all formed a line holding hands skating together. Then we all fell. In the middle of the floor.  There were other people that we didn’t know skating so we had a good laugh then got up. And skated again.

    “Group hug!” someone yelled as we walk out the doors to go home. There’s a big group of people hugging and saying happy birthday one more time. We get a ride to the house, from a friend who’s staying the night with us for my birthday.

 “ I’m gonna go take a shower” I say

When I walk out of the bathroom and it was jaw dropping, everyone from the skating rink was here. There were decorations everywhere, there’s so  many lights and people.

   “Oh wow” I say shocked The music was so loud it gave me a headache instantly. I didn’t know what to say.

  I tried to have a good time but there’s just to many people, there all trying to talk to me all at once. I didn’t want a party I thought to myself. So  I started cleaning up while everyone else was having a good time.

   “What are you doing? this is your party”

     “No lex this is your party. I told you I didn’t want a party, I have a headache and there’s too many people, Lexie where did these gifts come from?”

     “These people brought them for you” I walked away and finished cleaning. After a while my headache went away, so I tried to have fun. I started having fun and then a fight breaks out.

  “Hey, hey stop get out” I yelled at the two boys that are fighting

I tried to break them up but it was hard so I threw water on them

   “Knock it off” I yelled after they stopped.

“What happened here” Lexie questions.

“Where were you” I asked.

  “I was outside”

 “Are you kidding, they got in a fight and broke the table what is your mom gonna say Lexie, I don’t even know these people.

   “I’m sorry they are my friends”

    “ so you let your friend trash your house.”

  “Everyone needs to leave NOW”

I say loud enough for everyone to hear me.

“Do I have to leave, I thought I was staying the night?”

 “No you don’t everyone else does”

As everyone rushes out the door I stare at Lexie. I didn’t know what to say to her, so I started cleaning up again. As we were cleaning up we started talking.

  “You just let them break the table lex”

  “No I didn’t let them break anything, you were in here”

     “Lexie this is your party, you told them you come”

     “For you katana”

    “No for you Lex, if this was my party I would have wanted one” I walked out the door and went to my house, I was locked out and it was kind of cold. So I went back over to Lexie’s house and I hugged her.


  I start to calm down and I look at Lexie’s mom.

     “Remember both of you guys threw away my good table, and you still never told me why”

I laughed a little, I almost told her but she probably would of got mad.

 “Yeah your table shattered all over the floor, we had to cleanup all the pieces”

 “And why did my favorite table shattered all over my floor?”

 “I have no clue” I said looking away. We get up from the floor and looked at Lexie one more time. They started playing her favorite song “ Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” by Elvis Presley. I grab on to Lexie’s mom’s hand and we look at each other then looked back at Lexie. You could tell her mom was still in shock because she didn’t really cry. She barely talked to people either. We looked back at Lexie and said our goodbyes even though it was the hardest thing we could have done but we we had to, and it was better to say it to her instead of not saying it at all. Kensie grabs my hand and says it’s okay as the tears fall down her face one by one, her makeup was all over you could tell she didn’t want to say goodbye. She wanted to hold on. All our friends starts grabbing each other’s hand and we all said goodbye. And we all were sang along to her song.

“ Goodbye Lexie”

I mumbled under my breath and laid my head on kensie’s shoulder.

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