The Only Reason | Teen Ink

The Only Reason

October 29, 2018
By Anonymous

I had never believed in loved, until I met you. I’ve been with others before you, and they made me doubt everything about love. Then you came around and changed everything. It happened in a month when I fell in love. It was fast, but can you blame me for falling for you?

When we first met, I was in a bad state of mind. I was going through a dark time that seemed to get worse until you came along. I would have nightmares constantly, and when I met you they faded away. You helped me get rid of them. Everything that you did, made me happy. Slowly, I noticed all the little things that you did, made my heart skip a beat. Your jokes and laughter made me realize that I was in too deep; that I was deeply in love with you. Your accent when you talk, made me smile more than ever. You’d hold me in your arms with a warm embrace. It wasn’t until you serenaded me, that I acknowledged that you were the one. You played my favorite songs, but it wasn’t until you began to perform your song that you’ve written for me that I knew that you felt the same way.

Our meeting was spontaneous, and I’m glad that it happened. It only took one summer for you to be my everything. I know I said it wouldn’t happen again; me falling in love. Well, it happened again, and I know I won’t regret it because I don’t doubt your feelings towards me. Thank you, for being the only reason as to why I’m in a happier state of mind.

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