My First Roller Coaster Ride | Teen Ink

My First Roller Coaster Ride

November 1, 2018
By Anonymous

He was feeling panicked as the roller coaster slowly ascended the ramp. The roller coaster had reached the top, and as it slowly tilted to fall, he started questioning why he agreed to go on the ride, but before he could finish his thought, the car containing him suddenly dropped. The boy immediately squeezed his eyes shut, and flexed his entire body to shut out the pressure pushing on his body as he twirled in circles and flipped upside down. His friends however, warned him before the ride to open his eyes because they said it wouldn’t be as bad, so he took their advice. He opened his eyes. He felt no fear at first, but the longer he kept his eyes open, the more fear he felt, so he shut them tight again. He gripped the poles of his seat as hard as he could, and making sarcastic jokes aloud to his friends about this being easy, but really just to make himself feel better. As the coaster was reaching the final bend, he felt tremendous relief and some pride rush through his body. When they got off the roller coaster, his friends asked him if he wanted to go on another ride assuming he had liked it, but he replied I’m never going on another roller coaster.

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