Why Procrastination is Bad | Teen Ink

Why Procrastination is Bad

November 7, 2018
By Distancegirl BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Distancegirl BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't ask me why I'm running ask yourself why you don't

I have learned that procrastination is a bad thing to do. Everyone procrastinates sometime in their life. When I procrastinated on my book report in third grade, I had to suffer the horrid, awful, unbelievable, and dreadful consequence. Today, I am going to share with you the story about the time I procrastinated so much that I got an F on my book report.

My name is Ella. This story is about little tiny Ella. To be specific, third grade Ella. One day, when I was in third grade, I was assigned a book report. I was having a wonderful day until it was assigned. I don’t like reading. I never have, so obviously I was not happy to get this news. “Ugh!” I sighed. My friends were not happy either. I decided I would not tell my mom about the book report. I thought, “I am old enough to be able to read and write a book report.” So I didn’t tell my mom. A week passed, and I still hadn’t started my book report. I told my mom about the book report thinking she wouldn’t care, but she exploded!

“Ella! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” said my mom. I claimed it was because I forgot. My mom made me start reading my book for my report. A little while later, I finished the book. Naturally, I did not start writing the report until I realized, “I only have one day left to finish my report!” I started writing as fast as a cheetah. Finally, I finished my report and only had the cover left. I was still rushing. I don’t think any of my classmates were doing it as fast as I was. I thought that I would get a low B or a C but I never imagined what would actually happen.

A week had passed since I turned in my book report, and I was dreading every minute of it. My mom did know that I finished my book report but she didn’t have any time to look at it. Finally the day had come. The day where I found out what I got on my book report. My teacher was passing out the book reports and I knew that I got a bad grade. My teacher put my book report on my desk upside down. I was dreading turning it over. My stomach was churning. My palms were sweaty. Finally I turned it over, and I started crying. I had gotten an F on my book report, because I had waited so long to do it. I knew this would not go over well with my parents. I got home and I didn’t tell my parents the grade I had received. I knew they would get super mad at me.

Eventually, my parents asked, “Ella, What did you get on your book report?” I was super scared at this point, but I knew I couldn’t lie. I told my parents that I got a F on my book report and they were just as mad as I thought they would be.

My mom said, “Ella Frost! You should have done it sooner! That is going to make your grade awful!”

My dad said almost the same thing. “Ella! I can’t believe you waited so long that you got an F!” I felt terrible! “I should have done it earlier”, I thought, “why did I have to be so stupid!” I started crying right then and there because of how mad I was at myself. I promised myself I would never do anything like that again. My parents weren’t happy and they told me that whatever I wrote they had to check from now on. I agreed and went on with my day.

That is the time I procrastinated so much that I got an F. After that day, I never procrastinated as much as I did then. You shouldn’t either. Take it from me, if you procrastinate you will have to suffer consequences. To this day my parents still check everything I type. So don’t procrastinate.

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