The First Day | Teen Ink

The First Day

November 20, 2018
By Anonymous

When the day came, I didn’t believe it. After living in the same apartment my whole life, my family and I were finally moving. I was seven years old and devastated but inside, there was a tiny feeling of optimism that saw this event as an good thing. Things at school weren’t so great for me so starting all over again in a new school could be better. Although I could ditch my classmates in Virginia easily, leaving behind my aunt and my two cousins was hard because I had been with them for as long as I remember and it was the only family we had in Virginia. We said our goodbyes and left at nighttime. The trip took hours and when we arrived to our new two-story house, the day was as sunny as it could get, almost as if it was a sign that our family had made the right choice. We unpacked everything from the exhausted SUV and started to get familiar with our neighborhood. The neighbors seemed friendly enough and the small town of Carpentersville seemed easy to recognize. We arrived in early August and the days counting down to school were narrowing down. My brother who was entering the 8th grade wasn’t as nervous as I was and he was way more happier to leave his old middle school. The first day of school arrived and it seemed like anxiety had full control of my body when I woke up. My mom was going to drop me off and normally I would’ve been embarrassed but I was secretly happy that she had come to accompany me on the treacherous journey. My mom was telling me that everything was going to be fine but her words seemed to go right through me. We arrived at the entrance and I hugged her goodbye as every 3rd grader should do. I entered the seemingly dark school and followed the kids going to my teacher’s class. I was looking down at my shoes the entire time and sat at an empty seat where my name was. I waited for the teacher to introduce me to the rest of the class like they always do in TV and movies but she never did. My nerves calmed down and I finally felt as if I could breathe. Some kids started even to begin conversation with me too. I started begin making normal small-talk and eventually even started cracking some jokes with them. By lunch, I sat with some acquaintances that I started to make and felt as if I’ve already been here for years. That day really changed me and gave a boost of confidence that I never gotten before. The rest of the year was a breeze.

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