What Strengths Do I Bring to the World? | Teen Ink

What Strengths Do I Bring to the World?

December 20, 2018
By hannahkm2003 BRONZE, Durham, Maine
hannahkm2003 BRONZE, Durham, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is never usually a time where I have nothing to do if I had nothing to do I would not be the determined/hard working person I am today.

Playing school sports, dancing, singing, keeping good grades, hanging with friends, and family keeps me busy, but also pushes me to work harder.

If it means finishing homework at midnight on a school night then it’s what I will do because I am always determined to finish everything I need to accomplish.  

No matter how much is on my plate to complete before the end of the day, how tired I am, how stressed I am to finish things…

I always finish everything.

Why? Because it’s what I've pushed myself to do for years.

The busier I am the more efficient I am.

If I didn't push myself and strive to do the best, it wouldn't make me the person I am today.

If one thing fails or goes wrong I have so many other things to fall back on to keep me busy.  

One piece of advice I’d give to people is that the more you keep busy, the more you try...

It might cause stress at the moment, but in the long run, it makes you a stronger individual.

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