The Moment of Growing Up | Teen Ink

The Moment of Growing Up

January 27, 2019
By Gem.w GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
Gem.w GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As all the Chinese high school students did, I had a ten-day high school military training in August before the school started. With the immature enthusiasm and yearning for high school, I was looking forward to military training, even though I have heard over a hundred times from seniors that military training is difficult and torturous. Especially after I went to the opening ceremony and sat in the new classroom as a high school student, I couldn't wait for the day.  

       The week before the training, my package was all ready to go. I couldn’t believe that I finally had a chance to meet new friends and start a fresh journey. The dorm room was assigned by the student’s number at the beginning of school. Surprisingly, my roommates were all nice and cute. We became friends as soon as we made brief self-introductions. They were just like me, filled with anticipation but shy to speak out.

       Just as the seniors warned us, the hardness exhausted our innocent curiosities and longings on the first day of training, following the endless sweating and complaining voices. We got up early morning no matter how harsh the weather was training, running, and standing like a soldier under the roasting sun and falling rain. Sweat soaked our clothes; ultraviolet light tanned our faces; even the mosquitos clamored around us and plundered our blood as food because no matter how we itched,  we could not move. All we were doing throughout the day was silence-practicing and hearing the scoldings from coaches.

        At around nine thirty at night, we went back to our dorm room. That was the most relaxing time we had during these ten days. On approximately the sixth day of the training, I pulled out the unpermitted cell phone that was hidden under my bed board and made a phone call to my mom.

        “Qian,” she answered.

         Just her voice made my tears come and my voice started to crumble.          “Mom, I miss you,” I blurted out.

She could hardly hear me through my tears. I was surprised that after I burst into tears, cries were gradually all around the room. The night finally ended with everyone calling home and sobbing themselves to sleep.

 Unexpectedly,  I felt much better and more relaxed the days after that from that crying night and letting go of my emotions. The training became easier and easier as it came to an end. My exhaustion and pain were replaced by the cooperative spirits. Looking back to the ten days, I gained a lifetime lesson. The true moment of growing up is realizing that for a bird that longs to leave its nest, home is always the warmest place,  and that is worth preserving. Being eager to leave the family is the result of being immature. For me, the moment of realizing the importance of family was the symbol that I was growing up.

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