Untitled | Teen Ink


March 11, 2019
By Anonymous

My mother's side of the family has a simple distinctive trait. My mom, my mom's mom, and myself all have a neatness necessity. Visual appeal and perfection is like a hunger inside of us, wanting more and more. It needs to be fed with the fighting desire to keep everything in perfect order. If one of us were to see an imperfection, it would be restored to mint condition. A way that satisfies the eyes, perfectly pleasing the human mind.  

After a warm home-cooked meal, we are like maids in a cluttered home, frantically flushing the garbage away and washing the dishes, as if it were like a race. My grandma is the greatest neat freak known to man. She is one who would spend an hour making sure the bed was folded impeccably. The flawless efforts go a long way however, abundantly apprecaited by others around us.

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