Things That Matter | Teen Ink

Things That Matter

April 24, 2019
By marisakalei SILVER, Winchester, California
marisakalei SILVER, Winchester, California
6 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it
-Charles R. Swindoll

The length of life is uncontrollable whether we like that fact or not. The way we choose to live through it, though, is mostly up to us. Many people take their life or another for granted: they don’t do anything when there’s something they’re dying to say or do, they don’t take the risks they want to take, and they just overall don’t commit to things that they know they would enjoy (no matter how dangerous it may seem at the time). A lot of the time, when someone dies, we are faced with regret, but why? What is it that makes us feel this way? Is it because there was something we wish we would’ve done before the death of the person? This is what matters… and no one really realizes it.

A couple of years back, I lost my best friend, my dog, Daisy. She was a great dog. She always wanted to play with me when I got home and she was such a well-behaved pet for us. Daisy was pretty old for a dog and had some problems to do with digestion or her not wanting to eat in general. When she died, I felt horrible. I thought that this could’ve been my fault, I could’ve prevented this. These thoughts led me to be very regretful. “I should’ve done this… I should’ve done that…” These types of thoughts filled my head, but there was one thing that still lingered on: she was gone and there would be no possible way I could change that. It took me almost a year to get over this remorse. I realized over the time that I shouldn’t regret something like that, and I probably should’ve just spent more time with Daisy while I had the chance. You should spend time with the ones you love before it is already too late. This is what mattered… and I never really realized it.

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