Pain is Temporary and Quitting is Forever | Teen Ink

Pain is Temporary and Quitting is Forever

May 20, 2019
By camrich14 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
camrich14 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve got a theory that if you give 100 percent all the time, somehow things will work out in the end.

-Larry Bird

Have you ever tried to do something and wanted to quit? I believe in the saying “Pain is temporary and quitting is forever.” I think everybody should not quit and push on. During my birthday we had just moved into our new house. While I was unwrapping all of the gifts I got a sign that says “Pain is temporary and quitting is forever.” Then my Mom said “I hope you like it, that is a very important saying in our family.” Till this day that same sign has been hanging on my wall in my room ever since. I believe pain is temporary and quitting is forever. I think everyone should not quit when they are in pain or hurting but, to push on.

My belief in this saying began when my family moved into our new house. Moving was very hard work-I just wanted to stop picking huge boxes up and down the stairs to the many different rooms. I said to my Dad “I’m tired can I stop and take a rest?” He said, “No you must persevere.” I was ready to stop and rest as my arms, back, and legs were hurting from carrying all of my belongings. Yet I had to continue to empty the massive moving truck. The pain was worth it at the end of the day when I could relax in my own spacious bedroom playing games on my own Xbox. This event is going to help me be a better person because this event taught me how to persevere and not give up even when I am tired and ready to quit.

Another example is playing my favorite sport of basketball. While playing basketball, your opponent will push, poke, and elbow you as trying to prevent you as trying to prevent you from trying to score in the hoop. As the game continues and your body becomes tired and weary, you are ready to sit on the bench and take a break. Your coach might want you to go back into the game but you have to so you leave it all on the court and never give up so you don’t lose the game. If you do not persevere through the pain you can not score the points to win the game, possibly being the player of the game. So you must endure the pain for success. This event has impacted my life because it has taught me to persevere and not quit.

Lastly, in order to be successful in life, one must use his/her brain to gain knowledge and make good grades in middle school and high school. When doing your very best both in the classroom and at home, your brain and mental state of thinking can become burned out. Once again, one must have good stamina and determination to earn his/her success for the future. This means to not give into a headache or being tired or wanting to go out with friends, but to be committed to moving forward with your life. Just like Mr. Pearman has always said that “A good education is important because if you don’t like your job and you have a good education you can always get a new job.” This will help me in the future because a good education will help me be more successful in life.

Thus by always remembering the saying- “Pain is temporary and quitting is forever”-I will always do my best in whatever I do to be a “success.” So to help me achieve my goals- I have the saying on a wall hanging in my room as a constant reminder to help me achieve my goals in life. This is why I believe in the saying- “Pain is temporary and quitting is forever.”

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