Finding Wildlife | Teen Ink

Finding Wildlife

October 9, 2019
By CadeH BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
CadeH BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fresh off a birdie in the Arizona deserts, the last thing I expect is having to deal with wildlife on the course.  After not drinking enough water before my next shot, I hit my ball into the desert off my intended target, this is where my wild adventure begins in the Arizona life. 

Don’t get me wrong, after I hit my ball into the desert,  I am going to look for it no matter what. Even if it means almost getting mauled by a mountain lion. While in search, I heard what I thought were steps behind me, I ignore them because it’s a person right? Or a mountain lion, the most fierce animal I have ever seen, showing its teeth and growling as it marks its territory. This gave me a different look into nature and appreciate that all nature wants is to be left alone. Luckily it ran off but throughout our week in Arizona, these experiences never seemed to stop.

Hiking through the thick nature, it was the elegant sound of an Elk belting its bugle through the trees that made the trip, not the golf, or the food and fancy restaurants, but hearing something for the first time.  Quietly tiptoeing through the forest padded by pine needles my mom and I tried to find this Elk, seemingly stalking our prey like a mountain lion sneaks up on golfers. Then out of nowhere, we heard the massive animal bust, never getting a clear sight.  This made me think of how amazing animals are, bull Elk are a half-ton and have big antlers yet they can be so quiet, you don’t even know they are there.  

Battling the wildlife and hearing it in its glory was the best thing I could have asked for on vacation.  

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