My Mother My Hero | Teen Ink

My Mother My Hero

October 17, 2019
By Anonymous

  My Mother, My Hero


Everyone in their life has a hero. It can be an actor or actress, a politician, or even a singer. But my hero is someone I know, someone I can depend on without question. My mother.
My mother was there for me when nobody else was. She was by my side during all my hospital stays when I was dealing with a broken arm, a stomach surgery and an eating disorder stay where she slept on a cold couch just to be with me. She is going through financial issues with being out of good work and only picking up low paying jobs, but she did not let that get in the way of making me as happy as I could. She spent whatever she could on Christmas gifts to make my Christmas special, whereas my dad just gave me some money and called it a day. I aspire to be like her when I am a mother. I aspire to be kind, selfless, determined and worthy of being a mom just like she is. She has gone through so much but does not let her loses determine her value as a mom.

Even on my lowest and darkest days, she makes it her duty to make it bright. She takes me to the park to get air and a view that isn't a screen, takes me on hikes and the horse stables. She is the person I can fully let my guard down with as she is the only person I trust with absolutely anything and everything. When she is sad, I am sad. We are basically connected as when I hurt she hurts and vice versa. She does so much for other people and everyday inspires me to do the same. I wish to be at least half the woman she is as I go through life, and she is there with me every step of the way so I can not feel alone. She does countless things for me and I only hope I can someday return the favor.

She wakes up everyday early to wake me up for school and has all my belongings ready even though I don't ́t ask her to do it. She has my water bottle ready in the fridge and always hugs me goodbye. She helps me with my anxiety and depression by making me do stuff instead of just lay in bed in the dark like I did with a certain person who really did not care, he might have acted like he did but he didn't. My mom is the one person I can talk to and open up to about anything and I wish everyone else could have that experience with their mom, but since a lot of people don ́t, it just furthermore makes me realize how grateful and lucky I am to have such a devoted and loving mother who is ultimately the person I want to be when Im older.

There are hundreds of thousands of politicians, singers, actors and actresses I can aspire to be like and who I can idolize and see as a hero. Many of them are spectacular people who I can relate to on some level. In fact, most people do look up to a celebrity or something not close to them. Ultimately, the one person I yearn to be like, the one person who is in countless ways my idol is my mother. My hero.

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