Airsoft | Teen Ink


December 17, 2019
By Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are you looking for a real-life Call of Duty then Airsoft is what you're looking for? Airsoft is one of the most extravagant things I did as a child having fun with friends and even some of my uncles and parents. Airsoft is something that can be fun and dangerous if you don't take the proper precautions.
Doing this with your friends can be fun. Finding a big area to play in is the key thing. This can make or break the game overall. You need a place with some cover and places to hide. If you can rent a park or something like that it will make the game truly amazing. Also some woods around your house you could build things in the woods and create the perfect arena.
My friends live right next to each other this was the most perfect setup anyone could ask for. We used our two yards to fight in. We would have teams and a team deathmatch. You get one life and try to shoot everyone on the other team to eliminate them. I believe that this is the best thing to do in your free time with your friends.
Some of the precautions are pretty simple and most people have them. You need some clothes don't need a crazy amount but something is better than nothing. Also, another thing to have is some safety glasses or a mask in case some of the plastic bb’s hit you in the face.
Bobbing and weaving between pieces of wood and running for your lives. Pumped full of adrenaline dashing around and shooting your friends from far away trying to not get seen yet get the kill. This will truly get you involved and possibly love it for the rest of your life.
There are also so many options in terms of weapons. The options are endless. You could have just duel pistols or a shotgun and an assault rifle. I have a collection of different airsoft guns. There is just about any gun you can imagine. The brands don't really but I would research a little before buying some guns. Make sure you're getting what you want. Also, these guns are not meant to hurt people they feel like a bee sting that goes away faster.
If you looking for real-life Call Of Duty the game, that's it. You can make this sport anything you want in so many ways. I believe that you will have fun and want to have another airsoft war anytime that you're able to.

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