Four Slow Cars | Teen Ink

Four Slow Cars

January 16, 2020
By 0lenz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
0lenz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

These are the things that make us smile. We are the only ones who understand them. Four slow cars with loud exhausts and unique paint that represent us. Four who aren’t inherently fast but bring enjoyment to our lives. Four obnoxious head-turners bought with our hard-earned money. From miles away, we can hear one another approach, but the old timers just glare and disapprove of what we enjoy.

Their strength is their drivers. They drag their sticky rubber across the asphalt. They accelerate and they decelerate and grab the road under their heavy load and cut through the air with aerodynamic styling. This is why they keep us smiling.

Let us forget why we have this passion, we’d all become joyless, like a man who lost his job, each with their own unique stories that keep our bonds strong. Enjoyment, enjoyment, enjoyment they say when we turn the keys. This passion does not come cheap.

When we are too bored or too busy to keep enjoying, when we are a tiny group against so many people, then it is us shifting gears. When there is nothing left to do in this small Wisconsin town. Four who are well cared for despite minimum wage. Four who travel to places unknown but don’t forget how to travel back home. Four whose primary reason is to be the reason we see.

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