Fist time here | Teen Ink

Fist time here

November 12, 2020
By KarlaMota BRONZE, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
KarlaMota BRONZE, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could see many people on the airplane and hear people talking.  I grabbed my aunt’s hand because I was nervous.  We were going to meet my mother in the United States.

My mother had already gone to the United States.  I had not seen her for a whole year.  When I first got on the airplane I was very scared and when I saw many people on the airplane who didn’t know spanish I  was scared. After the plane took off I felt a little nervous, but then I felt normal. When I was on the plane many people spoke to me and I didn’t understand, because I didn’t know english   

   When I was arriving I liked seeing all the houses from the above, all the things looked very pretty from above the sea. When the plane came down I felt scared and I held my aunt's hand very tightly because I was very scared when the plane was coming down. Then we got to the airport and I was so happy because I was going to see my family. When I saw my mother again for many years that I stopped seeing her I started to cry from the happiness of seeing her.


First, we went to a restaurant.  Then we went to the store to get new clothes.  Yes, that’s a lot!  I was so excited because I was in America. When I arrived in America it was snowing and I had not seen snow. I was in texas for 8 months and there was no snow there. I lived in Texas with some cousins and I moved to Massachusetts because my mom lived there. My  experience living in Massachusetts has been cool, it is quiet here and I like the schools. Currently, I live in Lowell and I live with my mother Delmy, my stepfather, two uncles and my two brothers. I have lived here for like 3 years. I’ve been to Boston many times but I have never left the country since arriving here. I hope to finish school at Greater Lowell Tech and be able to go to college and graduate in plumbing. Coming to America has been great, I really enjoy living here and this is one of the best decisions my family could have made for me. 

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