My Bedroom | Teen Ink

My Bedroom

November 27, 2020
By 2mclaughlin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2mclaughlin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A room down the longest hallway caught my eye. Bright sunlight filtered the air with a warm, iridescent glow. As I stepped into the room, the welcoming light enveloped me. Nature emerged through the expansive windows. I could see the whole world around me: a flowering, pink crabapple tree, red burning bushes, lush, green grass that stretched as far as the eye could see. Inside the expansive room, artwork, pictures, and metals adorned the walls. I imagined myself as a princess walking through a castle. The focal point of the room was an enormous, stately bed of white, hand carved wood. A fluffy, teal comforter and an assortment of plush pillows delicately placed on it’s top. To the left of the bed a hand made photo board was adorned with pictures of a beautiful family. Pure happiness radiated from these pictures. Smiling, I made my way to the desk to see a huge array metals and ribbons. Juxtaposed among the ribbons, medals, and trophies, on the desk, was a delicate, ceramic angel figurine. Turning back to the medals, my eyes became enchanted in the sea of sparkling gold, silver, and bronze.  Stacks of blue, green, and white ribbons hung next to the metals. I imagined myself being the victorious recipient of all these medals. A jolt of excitement burst through my veins but then was instantly calmed as my eye drifted back to the angel figurine. A warm feeling of calm and belonging washed over me as I layed down on the massive bed. At this moment I knew this was going to be my room. 

The author's comments:

This piece is from the viewpoint of a stranger walking into my room. 

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