The Peaceful Chaos | Teen Ink

The Peaceful Chaos

October 13, 2021
By Anonymous

It was a summer evening. Ariana, my older sister, had already left for work. V, who is Arianas best friend, and I were laying down watching Tiks Toks and playing with the cats. It smelled like warm vanilla because of V’s Scentsy. Just felt like a normal day. I didn’t believe that it would be a close call that day.  

Around 5’oclock, my mom texted the family group chat we have and said “Ariana was in a wreck.” I Jumped up faster than I ever believed I could. I busted into tears. Imagining the worst had happened. Maybe she would have had to go to the hospital. Maybe it would have taken her years to get back to being better. I look at V’s worried face. I said, “Ariana was in a wreck.” V looked at me like they were confused. Because V has hearing aids from their mom bleeding during her pregnancy. Which led to V almost drowning in their mom’s blood. I repeated myself one more time and V’s face went from confusion to shock. I called Ariana immediately and of course, it took her a bit to answer. But, she finally texted me after a couple of hours and said “I am okay, Just a little bruised.” 

Later, that night as soon as she pulled into the driveway. V and I ran down the creaky stairs and through the hot kitchen. Just to find her at the door and we gave her the biggest hug I could ever imagine. . She didn’t see the people next to her turning in the direction she was going. After they turned she went since it was a four-way stop and accidentally rear-ended them. They turned out okay. Ariana had a minor concussion and a couple of bruises that took a while to heal. When she got home we let her go to bed even though she feared not being able to wake up due to the concussion. But after a while we got her to calm down and go to sleep. 

That day I was so scared. I feared that I would lose her. Because for hours with no response from my mom or Ariana I was worried. Ariana is my best friend. She knows everything about me and everything about her I already know. Ariana is only four years older than me. But, the age difference doesn’t change anything. She is my best friend, my person to lean on when life takes control and gets tough. I could never imagine a world without her in it. After having her in school with me for two years I got used to it. Now I don't have her at school so me and her can’t laugh with each other during the band. 

Before I was when Ariana was born. There are no siblings born between us. But, when I was born she lost the spotlight. I remember hearing stories about her pulling my hair and crying because our mom paid attention to me because I was a baby.  And I remember seeing the name board for the first time. In my dad's green shed at our house. When I enter the first thing I see tools and more shelves of tools. But as soon as I look up there is a long wooden board going from one side of the shed to the other side. It has all four of my siblings' nicknames and their birth years. Along with pictures of us as kids and teens. 

For two years now I have done the school play. And yes, with Ariana. This year since she graduated I will not be in the play with her but of course, I will force my brother Sam to do it with me. But, Ariana was either the waitress or still the waitress but also the murderer. Any school activity that I have done this past two years Ariana has also been involved with it. 

In the next few days that I don’t see her, I will be okay without her. When she moves away from Rushville it will be tough. I will miss her a lot. . And rarely seeing her will be tough. Very tough.  But, knowing she is my number one supporter helps. Knowing she is the sibling I can always count on and look up to. It lets me know I am not alone nor will I ever be. A life without her is hard to imagine. That is why Ariana will always be my favorite sibling and my best friend. When I look back I am happy beyond belief that she is still alive. Never take advantage of people I love and care about.

The author's comments:

I'm a Freshman in Rural Missouri. 

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