Memorable changes | Teen Ink

Memorable changes

June 1, 2022
By Winter06 BRONZE, Hampton, Minnesota
Winter06 BRONZE, Hampton, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into my first meeting on the last day of school with this thought in my head, Not knowing what to expect, Thinking to myself “Am I going to understand what they are saying”. But when I walked through the door for the first time to sit down and see the people that I would be helping there was a sigh of relief. I smiled and slowly walked over to shake their hands and seeing their smiley faces made the stress slowly dissipate into the air. Right when I had sat down and taken a glance over all the papers that I would have to know like the back of my hands and then the talking started to encase the room. At this moment, I realized what my future is about to look like for myself and others.

I looked through all the papers and felt the paper glide through my fingers as I flipped through the catalog pages. At that time I was ready to start to help people with what someone has already started for our community but now this is the thing that I get to be able to take over and help with. When I started to understand what I was all going to be doing was a slight shock, I was going to be dealing with a tremendous amount of money on a daily basis, and I was going to be hiring people and being the person that they will look up to when the need arises.

When I realized this it made me think that I need to be a good person to look up to, at least more than I ever should be considering that this is my future and many others. I knew that the way that I was before I started was a different person than I am now but in the end, it was for the better of many people including myself. Then it came to the first day out on the farm, I got out of the car and looked around, and got slightly nervous about what I had gotten myself into. Then I turned around to see the people that had given me this opportunity and the nerves went away very quickly. 

The first day we got the truck ready to go and got all the signs painted and finished and when I left that farm I knew that this was a good thing and that the next day would bring so many good things to all of us in the end. I went to bed that night scared that something would happen or that we may miss something, but then I woke up the next morning to my alarm in my ear at five in the morning. Then we arrived at the farm once again and went out and learned how to pick the corn that we would look at and see our future in.

The first day all I could feel all day was nervous that people would hopefully show up and would enjoy what we were doing but during the first four hours, we had five people show up. Then I went to talk to one of the ladies that were at the truck who asked for me, she walked over to me and gave me a hug and told me to thank her for all that you are doing. When I heard that my heart sank because no one had said that and just these few words gave me a way better understanding of what the real reason for me doing this was. At that moment I knew that I would never forget what she had told me nor would I forget who she was. Her name will always stick with me.

Once the day was over I went home and told my mom what that lady had said, and she told me that no matter what I do in life that will be the one thing that will always stick with me no matter where I work or what I do. So from that day on, I would always think about that with any diction or thing that I would say to anyone no matter what or who they are because you never know what they are going through at that time. Then later on the next day, something happened that I didn't expect.

The next day I was doing the same thing as the day before, just sitting and waiting. Then I heard some people talking, I looked up to see a sizable group of people standing alongside the lady from the day before. All I could do at that moment was just look up and smile then we talked. She informed me that most of the people in the community thought that what we were doing was done and that it would be no longer.

So by the end of the season, I realized that doing what we did help the fear of doing something that I wasn't used to in life yet. Also by doing this I made so many friends and made plenty of people in the community happy with all of our decisions through the thick and thin of what the year brought us. In the end, this is one thing that I will never forget and always come back to help when the need arises in my future life.

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