Losing a Valuable Item | Teen Ink

Losing a Valuable Item

November 9, 2022
By Anonymous

Being careful and more aware of where you put your belongings is important in life. I have experience from not doing this and making a big mistake. I was at my friend’s house for her birthday party. I thought the party was going to be an amazing time and it was, but little did I know it was going to be something I won't forget. 

I was at my friend’s party and we were going to Big Al’s to play arcade games. As we pulled up, my friends and I went to the huge black doors and pulled them open. The inside of the building was loud with laughter. The games and lights were very bright and dazzling. The bottom area was where the food and bowling was. At the top were all the arcade games. After our blue cards were loaded with money; we went straight up to the top of the building. There were tons of fun games and it was hard to choose at first. After playing for a little bit, we went to my favorite game, Dance Dance Revolution. My friends and I were having lots of fun. After a couple of hours, we got exhausted and finished. All of us went to the store, where you turn in your tickets for prizes, and bought some candy. 

After the amazing time at Big Al’s, we went to get Froyo right across the street. I got my favorite flavor, chocolate and vanilla swirl, and all my friends and I sat outside on the stairs. After we were all finished and full, all of us decided to go. We hopped in the car and went back to my friend’s house. As the car reached her house, we went straight to her room and got ready for an awesome sleepover. My friends and I decided to play hide-and-seek and do many energetic activities. As we were playing I needed to find my phone for some funny selfies. I was searching the whole house but strangely I couldn't find it. I was looking through the couches, the toys, anywhere you could think of. I shout to my friends on the other floor. 

“Have you guys seen my phone?” I said, “I can’t find it anywhere.” 

“I don’t know,” said my friend, “but I can help you look.” We start to look and try to retrace our steps. I looked in the car but couldn't find it anywhere. 

“What if I left it at Big Al’s?” I said, starting to worry. We thought of the last time I had it out. My friend’s mom called my parents and they decided to search where we sat, to find it. As they reached the place it was pitch black and not a single phone in sight. My thoughts were overwhelming and tears rolled down my face. I locked myself in the bathroom, which had mermaid decor all over. I stayed there for a little while as I tried to calm myself down. I thought I was going to get in so much trouble and that I would never get a phone again. Thinking of all the consequences I would get; eventually I calmed down and slowly opened the white door. I felt bad for all the trouble they were in for helping me. But my friends helped me distract myself from what was happening and they were cheering me up. We decided to play another round of hide-and-seek. Once it was time for bed we stayed up chattering about all kinds of things happening in our lives. Eventually as the time went by, my eyes started to close and they didn’t open until the next morning. As I woke up, my thoughts came overwhelming of what my parents' reaction was going to be to me. 

As my mom pulled up in the driveway, I opened the car door and hopped in. As we said our goodbyes through the open window, the car started driving away. 20 minutes later my mom and I started to talk about the lost phone. I talked about how I was trying to be super careful the whole entire time and how I was really sorry. My mom talked about how we would need to discuss it with my dad later. After the talk, I was silent the entire car ride home. I was super sad and I thought that if I was more responsible none of this would have happened. As my mom and I reached home, I started to distract myself by cleaning. We eventually had to talk and my consequence was for me to be more responsible and earn it back. A couple days later, my brother received a voicemail from Verizon, our phone company. The worker talked about a phone someone gave to Verizon that was part of our plan. He included details of the phone saying it had a light brown case with a gold heart in the middle. I was so excited because that was exactly what my phone looked like! I tried to give a phone call back but they weren’t available. So my mom drove me down there and I got my phone back. Unfortunately, my mom took the phone away. I understood and I wanted to earn her trust back. 

As the weeks went on, I finally acquired my phone back. I was only allowed to use it at home but I was thrilled to use it again. As I started to use my phone, I learned to be careful with valuable things and it's important to remember and keep track of your belongings.

The author's comments:

This story's lesson is to be careful with valuable items and to remember to keep track of your belongings. I once messed up by not doing that, and I regretted it. This short story talks about my experience. 

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