Hobbies | Teen Ink


December 12, 2022
By Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have often been told that my ‘hobbies’ are odd; and I can’t help but agree, because how many teens have bones and dead bugs in their room? Anytime I find something classified as disgusting or morbid, my interest peaks, and as atrocious as it may seem I truly enjoy such things. Yet if given the chance, I would much rather help an injured animal than watch it die. This attribute is, surprisingly enough,  not limited to just mammals, but insects as well. 

Once, I found a Sphinx moth stuck within a spider web. I had believed it to be dead; but surprisingly it was still alive. As a result, I watched over it until it was ready to take off, and never have I felt so accomplished for such a simple act. 

Not long after that, I found a beautiful beetle within my home’s garage, and as much as I would love to have kept it for myself, I knew it was not my place; nor something I could bring myself to do. I proceed to release it into the woods, with no regret.  

Zoology is a branch of biology that focuses on the study of members of the animal kingdom, as well as animal life, including the inquiry into individual animals and their constituent parts. There is obviously more to the subject; however, the latter is what caught my attention, and has captivated my interest. 

The ability to analyze organisms to both the physical and molecular level is a dream come true, one I would gladly partake in if given the opportunity. Yet I can’t help but hesitate. Previously, I participated in multiple STEM related courses believing I was going to pursue a career in mechanical engineering, but would I be happy? Would I be content with a job that I no longer have interest in? For the majority of my high school years, I told anyone who asked that I would be some type of engineer, if they were to discover my sudden change in priorities would they doubt me? Would they believe this dream to be a mere phase versus a genuine interest? Would I be successful? Would I worry my family over my choice? Would it be worth it?

Arrowhead has a zoology class; if I were to enroll I could find out if this fascination of mine is simply that, a passing thing that can be easily replaced. I would be able to see what I would get myself into if I were to just go to college without any experience in the subject. That class would answer my questions, as well as ease my doubts regarding the subject. Although I am unable to fit the class into my schedule I look forward to the day that I can, whether it is next semester or next year, I cannot wait.

This class is a chance for me to experience something I may never be able to even see later in my life; my interest in the subject will never subside if I am to be left with hopes and dreams of what could have been. 

My hobbies may be odd, but that does not mean that I cannot make the most of my interest. By pursuing this dream I can guarantee that I would be more than happy to do so; yet, why am I hesitating? Why am I questioning myself so much? Where did this doubt come from?

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