A Fabulous Christmas Feast | Teen Ink

A Fabulous Christmas Feast

June 2, 2023
By Anonymous

Once a year my family and I feast upon what I think is the best meal ever created. First and foremost we have to get to the place that houses the fabulous feast. The rumble of my car stops as my sister and I pull up to our grandma's drive on this particularly snowy day. Luckily the crunch of my grandma’s gravel driveway prevents my car from slipping on the ice. Once we get to the door we are welcomed by my family with a chorus of, “Hellos” and “Merry Christmas!” I can't forget the bark of my grandparents' dog, Carlos. My nose tingles as it picks up the scrumptious smell of sweet, salty, savory food. 

After mingling with family and sharing stories with family I have not seen in a while, my grandpa always asks my sister and me what we want to drink. “A Kitty Cocktail,” we both say in unison. My grandpa makes the best kitty cocktails with grenadine (grenadine is pomegranate syrup not cherry.)Who knew! My dad and uncle pass around lottery tickets to all of the kids and adults. Scratch! The sound of the coins rubbing against the paper is like a nostalgic ASMR to my ears. We are all anticipating who is going to win it big. Last year my cousin won $200 dollars. I should have picked that ticket, I thought. 

“Dinner is ready,” my grandma says. Everyone rushes to line up to fill their plates with food. 

Finally, I think. I picked up a small filet of steak cooked perfectly medium by my grandpa and dad. Next I grab a sizzling hot twice-baked potato. A large spoonful of thin angel hair pasta is put on my plate, I spoon an equally large amount of my grandma's heavenly pesto. Lastly I always make sure to grab a roll that my grandpa has diligently shaped into a bird. I grab something to drink and I go sit down next to my sister and cousins. 

I unabashedly stuff my face with all of the food on my plate.  My taste buds danced in my mouth. The umami flavor of the steak pairs perfectly with the creaminess of  the twice-baked potato. I swirl my potato coated fork into my grandma's green, nutty, delicious pesto savoring every bite because I know I wont get it till next year. I am properly stuffed. As they say, “I feel fat and jolly!” I am extremely grateful for my family and the food I was given on this magical night. 

After opening my gifts and seeing the joy on the faces of my family. My stomach has digested the fabulous feast I had previously and is grumbling for something sweet. My grandparents have displayed an entire table of sweets from classic Christmas cookies, to an elaborate yule log. Cooking is one of my grandparents' love languages. Gosh am I grateful. 

When the night ends and my sister and I are ready to head home, my grandma sends us each  with a box of potatoes, steak, pesto and pasta, and these delicious tamales they get from Milwaukee for every Christmas. I also could never forget the toffee she sneaks in there. Every year I wait to be reunited with this fabulous feast not just to eat, but to also create memories with my family. 

The author's comments:

My name is Ava Humbrecht, I am an 18 yr old senior and am about to graduate high school. Every year we go to my grandparents house for Christmas and they cook a lovely feast. I love my grandparents and they have inspired me to cook more.

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