Baby Blue | Teen Ink

Baby Blue

September 26, 2023
By cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To my little baby blanket, 

I thank you for being there for me when I was a baby, when I was growing up. Your light blue color and soft warm corners, that is, always been my favorite.  I have put you through a lot and I thank you for staying strong and put together, well as much as you can. The tears and sweat I had put on you, but yet you have stayed there as long as I can remember. 

My blanket, you provide me comfort. The comfort I have been missing since I was 11 years old. The hardships you’ve helped me with. The memories you hold. The hugs I wish for but can never receive again. My blanket, you are those hugs. Everything I could have needed since I was born was right with you. 

I now look at my past little girl self and see how she was running to the park with you, taking naps in the cars, going to doctor’s appointments. Everything I did growing up was with you, my baby blanket. The comfort I thought I was missing throughout my whole childhood, you were able to provide me and still do. 

 As I got older it may have seemed as though I was leaving you, but I still cherish you, even if I don’t do the things I once used to. You remind me that everyday I can get through one more challenge.  

You have given me great memories and remind me of those memories everyday, the ones that are worth thinking about. The ones that are supposed to make me happy but might make me sad. I know though, that those are the moments that I need to remember and never ever forget. 

Everytime I come home from school you're right there, everyday. Not going to go anywhere. You have been the one thing in my life I know that I cannot lose. The one thing that hasn’t left all 17 years of my life. The only stable thing that has ever given me comfort and never left. My baby blanket. I thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for me.  

The author's comments:

This piece is about something special to me that I still have to this day. 

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