Running Shoes | Teen Ink

Running Shoes

September 27, 2023
By vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To simply put it, I CAN’T live without my running shoes

I run, I walk, I exercise everyday with them

They're here, they’re there, they’re everywhere I go

I am never a step without these running shoes

Specially picked to fit my foot, they cushion my every step

Colors picked by me, neon yellow, vibrant to catch all eyes

Paid by my father, pushing me further, helping me reach goals

The shoes embody the feeling of perfection, helping in all ways

From the offseason to practices, we ran side by side

Each hard workout, every long run, all hills and all roadblocks

Every weather condition the running shoes went on

Through torrential downpour, in hail and snow, to blazing heat

Every race, every personal best was from those shoes

The work that's put into those shoes always get results

The miles put into my running shoes always feels warm

All the injuries, the trips and falls they’re there with me

Built to last, the shoes have more miles than a car

All of the fabric tears, the ripping sole, the worn logo

Each one having a meaning, a memory I never forget

Those shoes are special, constructed to win anything

Until the time comes, the next season, the last rupture

The shoes must retire, the shoes can't go on, these running shoes

A new pair must be brought into the light, predecessor of the best

Will they live up to the name? Will it ever be the same?

Picked to fit my foot, they cushion most steps

Only a small selection of color, dull with a splash of color

Paid from my pocket, pushing further, worked more to win

The shoes embody feelings of determination, pushing beyond

More work, more pain, but a better feeling than the last

Gives aches and pains, scratches and bruises, but they don't hurt

Breaking in the shoe, every mile more rewarding than the last

Getting closer and closer to my goals, shoes reaching their potential?


The final race, perfect weather, partly cloudy and high seventy

The perfect course, little to no hills and freshly mowed grass

The great competition, forty-five teams and friends to push me

With three laps to go and on the starting line . . . BANG

The racers are off quick, keeping ahead, the course bottlenecks

One hundred racers cramped into a ten meter wide track

It gets physical, elbows fly and tripping ensue, I make it out

Sitting in the front I settle into a pace, keep it moving

One mile down and I’m on pace, stay strong and move

Two miles down and I start to lack, pick it up now and move

Three miles down and it’s a sprint, finish in view and I’m moving

Five hundred meters left, the time, thirty seconds to my goal

Keeping a sprint, my legs go numb, it’s a runner's high

Three hundred meters left, the time, twenty seconds to my goal

One hundred meters left, the time, eight seconds to my goal

Crossing the finish line, the time? Did I reach my goal

Trying to catch my breath I peel over, on the ground exhausted

5 minutes go by and I finally get up, Was I on time? 

Looking at the places on my phone, I scroll, the times nearing the goal

There It caught my eye, my name, the time, 2 seconds fast

Emotions erupt in triumph, and on my feet were those running shoes

The author's comments:

This is a piece from a different perspective of how the running shoes makes me feel. This is from me as a cross country runner for school and a student otherwise.

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