A Life Without Cars | Teen Ink

A Life Without Cars

September 29, 2023
By Anonymous

Imagine a world where modern transportation vanished: no driving, no trains, no planes. Instead, we’d have to call Ubers for a horse ride to get around. Picture it: a bumpy ride in a carriage down the sparkling downtown streets of cities with flashing lights and sleepless nights. Where 3-D billboards and monstrous skyscrapers are normal, it would be a curious twist of fate. As a city boy who grew up on Wild West movies and Red Dead Redemption, I’ve already wondered about my life as a cowboy.

Driving to school is already a horror from sitting for hours in tiresome traffic. On a horrid horseback ride, the commute would become more unbearable, especially having to wake up extra early to prepare. A slow stroll down my neighborhood to the main roads is manageable and peaceful, but the highway would be excruciating. A few bottles of Febreeze for the carriage will hopefully negate the pungent smell of horse poop outside, but it’s not like the scent of gasoline is much better.

As a car enthusiast myself, losing something I hold so close would be crushing. I’ve been to museums and meets to see the rarest racecars and the supercars. Now, the strongest and rarest horses will be on display. The car community will definitely adapt, customizing their new rides with aesthetic accessories. I’ll dream about the pretty saddles and carbon reins that would fit perfectly on my favorite horses. Fancy limo carriages will carry celebrities to red carpets and enthusiasts will braid their horses’ hair into unique patterns.

Adventuring places and national parks on horseback must be absolutely serene. I’d love to see the twinkling black night filled with stars for the first time, which will only be possible because of the erase of toxic cars emitting carbon dioxide. Breathing the forgotten garden-fresh air, I’d roam free on trails through the beautiful Redwood forests. Each journey will be an odyssey, a chance to reconnect with nature. The wildly different rush of city life will offer an intriguing perspective compared to the tranquility of the countryside.

Additionally, new job opportunities will arise for breeders and trainers. Instead of watching Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton battle each other on an F1 track, the best riders will compete to cross the line first. Chauffeurs won’t drive passengers around in a Mustang anymore, but they will be whipping clients around an actual stallion. Archaic saloons, with a pianist playing cartoonish music in the background, will be back in fashion.

Sometimes, I find myself hoping for a world without cars, so my parents will finally stop pestering me to get my driving permit. Their daily reminders to finish my driver’s education courses and pass the written test have tired me out. Without any modern modes of transportation, I could finally live out my dream of being in a Wild West movie, navigating through towns as if I had stepped out of a silver screen from the past.

The author's comments:

I chose to write about cars for this prompt because I love to write, photograph, review, and do everything with cars. They have become such a vital aspect of my life as well as me/my personality. Without that hobby, I would become an entirely different person.

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