The changing seasons og Wisconsin | Teen Ink

The changing seasons og Wisconsin

October 20, 2023
By Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Spring, the first season I experience, it’s the beginning of a new year. The beginning of beginnings, new life appearing. Some of the best things about spring is how calm it is, how it makes me feel. I can walk outside, acting like there’s no care in the world. Fluffy clouds daintily floating by creating magnificent shapes. In the morning as I look out to see the dew that's condensed on blades of grass. Spring brings Wisconsin monstrous rain while also showing me fields of flowers in their abundance of colors. Spring also gives great harvests of fruits and vegetables like sweet strawberries or starchy potatoes. Spring also gives the opportunity to watch trees regenerate leaves for them to fall later on as the year goes on. 

Summer, the time of having fun. Summers are when I’m finally done with school. The time where I just go out, play, have fun. Create memories. Summers are the time where I just go to the beach and lay out a towel and let the blazing sun warm my body, turning me into a nice tan or a ripe red. It’s the time to relax. The time for family and friends to have vacations, where you visit the Grand Canyon and see the smoothing rock colors go from light to dark or to Europe to visit places that defined the world to where we are today. 

Fall, the time turing into the dull. Fall is when I’m going back to school. This is the time I notice the changing seasons. Dull but still wanting more heat. Fall brings me the sweet scent of pumpkin spice in all its variations of obtaining it. It also brings apple orchids: picking apples with my family, drinking warm apple cider on a chilly fall afternoon, eating a sticky sweet caramel apple topped with any candy I could ever want. Fall brings the best out of people. I’ve remembered pumpkin carving contests with my friends and family. I was never the best. Fall brings people together throughout its plentiful holidays: Halloween where friends get dressed up and ask for candy, Thanksgiving where families take hours making a feast for the whole family to enjoy.

Winter, the dullest of all seasons. Winter is when all the little rascal animals have gone into their hibernations and trees look dull and barren without their colorful leaves on them. Winter redeems itself through memories. I remember coming in from a chilly cold day, shivering from being out in the soft snow. Drinking hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows then driving around to different houses with my parents looking at houses and their magnificently decorated Christmas lights. Waking up on Christmas morning and running down to see the tree and its base hoarded with many presents around my tree.

This change, this is how nature can show its beauty through the changing of the four seasons and how each can have beauty.

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