My Days | Teen Ink

My Days

March 12, 2024
By Anonymous

One day it was cloudy, then it started to rain, then it really started to mom didn't want me outside, i was upset that i had to come inside.  The clouds were as dark as the night sky, the thunder was as loud as a fire alarm.since i  couldn't go outside. I was super bored. I had nothing to do besides play video games but it was summer, the best time of the year. I loved going outside, I could ride my bike, play in the trees, play basketball, soccer, football, pretty much anything.” But not today, "my mom said.

 It felt like hours until I came up with an idea I could build a fort. It was genius, later on I realized it wasn't. I got to work. I went to my room and started. I put the blanket 1\4 of the way under my bed, and 1\4 under my brothers. They were right next to each other. Then I put a lamp in there for some light. Then I put pillows and blankets under the blanket, then I put a TV under there .Plugged an extension cord in, then plugged the TV into the extension cord . I realized it was dark so I had to go to bed but my mom said I couldn't sleep in it. The next morning I got ready, then I went to my fort.

 Five minutes later my mom told me to go outside. “But I thought it was going to rain today too,” I said. “No , that's next weekend” my mom said. “It will  rain on Saturday and Sunday," my mom said. I went outside and started playing. I rode my bike but crashed, so I started playing basketball.A little bit later it started to rain, I was confused, I thought she said it wasn't going to rain  . That was the only time I ever liked the words

 " you have to come inside, it's raining “.   



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