Untitled | Teen Ink


November 15, 2024
By Anonymous

It’s not something far from normal to say that she and I have been through a lot. We are still going through a lot. But I love her, I love that I have her in my life because although she is not perfect, she has done so much for me. Prior to her, I hadn’t cared about school; I did the bare minimum and cruised my way through my days. However, she gave me a reason to try, she pushes me and encourages me. She wants me to do well and she wants to see me succeed. And for her, for Kasumi, I would do whatever it takes to make her happy. 

It’s hard to change a pattern: one that was so easy and rather pleasant. It was hard to adapt to my new life, the one with her in it. But she has made me happier than I have ever been, she has shown me places and foods and people I didn’t even know existed. 

She has sacrificed a lot to be with me, and I am far from perfect too but I know I have helped her as well: I am the shoulder she can cry on, I am the person who will listen, I am the one who will support, I will take care of her and lessen her load. I did not know that being in love meant losing so much but being in love has given me more than what I could have ever imagined.

I have a dream for my future. I want to help people and be an intelligent person–a voice, to support those who can not do it themselves. I want to be dependent on myself and have a large network of reliable people who support me and vice versa. I want all of these things because Kasumi has shown me it is possible. I want a life, a long one, because it seems promising for once. 

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