So Real | Teen Ink

So Real

September 2, 2009
By sunshine.dez. GOLD, Hemet, California
sunshine.dez. GOLD, Hemet, California
11 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
"Its not what you look at that matters, what matters is how you see it."
"Maybe some women werent meant to be tamed. Maybe they are supposted to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with"

It was the best thing she had ever felt; the feeling of his arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and safe. She imagined him sneaking up behind her at school and reaching around her waist and hugging her. She pictured herself and the huge smile that he would put on her face and how it would feel. It felt like sunshine on a cloudy day. She couldn’t help but imagine the dorky laugh she would let out when he did.

She turned around to see his face, and his bright eyes that were staring right back into hers. She let out a loud sweet giggle, but he just smiled and watched her throw her head back and laugh. They both had to go to class but neither one of them wanted to. She continued to giggle and they embraced again, her smile still not leaving her face. She pulls away to leave, then he grabs her by the hand and pulls her back.

She spins around only to see those beautiful eyes again, seeming to smile when they meet hers. He leans in and gives her a tiny sweet kiss on her cheek. Her face illuminates. The little smile had now grown into much more than that. Her stomach was in knots; she had butterflies. They filled her stomach, almost leaving her breathless. She walked away slowly, trying to catch her breath from the unbelievable thing that just happened. Then she heard it. Someone was calling her name.

She turns around quickly, in a daze, only to see him running back to her. He runs until he is standing with her again. Their eyes meet and her butterflies now feel far more intense than ever before. He gently begins to lean in again and-she wakes up. She’s smiling at the thought of what’s happening, and noticing the warmth she feels in her arms; the warmth that is from him and from the hug they are sharing. She opens her eyes. There is nothing but her blankets and her empty arms, which are growing colder by the second. Confusion and sadness sweep over her. Where is he? He was just in my arms? Then she realizes. She pleads with herself, please go back to sleep; let me see him again-but still nothing. No more images of those beautiful bright eyes, or that smile. Why? Why can’t I go back to sleep? If only he knew. Why did it have to feel so real?

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let me know your thoughts/ opinions please. :]

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