The Buoy Bomb | Teen Ink

The Buoy Bomb

April 27, 2010
By ccourtney BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
ccourtney BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Finally we were there. The warm breeze of summer air hit my face as I stepped out of the stuffy car. My legs were cramping because of the eleven hour drive to get there. My parents started to unload the car. My sister headed down the dock where our boat the “Bada Bing” awaited us. Freedom at last.

My family and I hopped into the boat. It swayed side to side when we loaded everything in. Clunk! My bright red suitcase plopped in the back of the boat. My smile turned into a wide grin across my face. In my head I told myself, hurry up…I can’t wait to get there!
Right then, for some odd reason, everything seemed like a dream. It’s like I wasn’t even there. I only come here once a year because it’s in Canada. I wished my family and I could have a vacation there five times a year. Unfortunately, other than summer, it is way too cold to come up and it is pretty far.
Vrrrroooom! The motor vigorously started. My sister screamed in joy. None of us could imagine what was going to happen next.

We rounded a buoy, to start on our journey to freedom. My dad was standing behind the soft, squishy, tan steering wheel. I saw the speedometer under the clear and smooth glass. The arrow started out pointing to 15mph. All of a sudden, I needed to hold on to the handle bar. I glanced at the speedometer again, it read: 30…35…40…45mph! It felt like we were driving as speedy as a cheetah. The boat was just skimming the water of the Georgian Bay. I was pretty sure that the speedometer was going to break. My dad almost missed the turn. He was way too close to the buoy. I felt the boat slowly dip downward as we turned incredibly sharp. If I reached my hand out of the boat just an inch or so, I could have touched the water.

“Stop!” I cried to my dad.

“Ha-ha, sorry,” my dad shouted over the roaring of the engine. We were almost there, about ten more minutes to go. I smiled. Again, my dad turned around a buoy and we dipped even farther into the glassy bay water. I couldn’t help myself to keep my hands in the boat. I needed to touch the water, to feel the refreshing and soothing touch of the cold bay water.
“Whoa!” my dad hollered. The boat started to tip to the side.

“Ahhhh!” my mom screamed. I looked back at her and she was holding on as tight as she could to the handle, her knuckles were as white as freshly fallen snow. I turned my head back to the front of the boat, to its original position. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a purple blur jump off the boat. I spun my head around so quickly, I felt a sharp pain on the side of my neck. There, in the water, was my sister.

“Dad, Elsah’s in the water!” I sputtered.

“What…Ohmygod! My dad replied screaming at the top of his lungs. When he turned around to grab my sister, it felt like all of us were going to spill out of the boat too.

Fortunately, Elsah knew how to swim. My mom ran to the ladder in the back of the boat to pull it down for her to climb in. Elsah was soaked. She tried to look tough as she shivered towards me. She sat down on the couch/bench, it made a pffffff sound. Suddenly, her arms were wrapped around me.

“Elsah!” I shuttered.

“Got ya.” she blurted out. Everyone in the car turned back to see me wet. We all joined in laughing. Yet, I realized that it did not really matter anymore because this was paradise. Freedom at last.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 6 2010 at 8:28 pm
ccourtney BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Nice story...scary to think that really happened.