Breakaway | Teen Ink


July 24, 2010
By Kat4476 BRONZE, Los Angles, California
Kat4476 BRONZE, Los Angles, California
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

We had been best friends for 2 years, but I felt it was enough. True, in the beginning, we had had a lot in common, but as time went on, I found it harder to connect with her. More often than not, her mood swings would catch me, and the rest of our friends, unawares. We tried to tell her about it, but to no avail. It was still hard for us to associate with her. She was a bad influence on us all.

I still wonder if we should have given her another chance, but we gave her many. It had just become too much to handle. I wanted someone sweet and nice and, well, problem less. With her parents being the way they were, criminals, I was worried that they might have rubbed off on her the few years she was with them. I couldn’t take the risk, not for my friends.

It was hard to break away from her, but I knew inside that it had to be done. For the better, I kept telling myself. I knew I would miss her, but it was just dangerous. She wasn’t afraid of anything, suing people, the law, nothing. She chased after things she should have kept well enough away from. I couldn’t stay friends with her.

Breaking away was the right thing to do.

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