Thanks For Your Consideration! | Teen Ink

Thanks For Your Consideration!

October 15, 2010
By x3xtbsxx3 BRONZE, Green Brook, New Jersey
x3xtbsxx3 BRONZE, Green Brook, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear kid that likes to mess with other people’s shit,
I want to thank you for being oh so kind as to F***K with my phone! It has come to my attention that because I have an iPhone, you just had this irresistible urge to mess with the settings and screw everything up! It’s like this light popped on in your head the second you saw it that told you to immediately get your grubby hands on it and do as much damage as possible! So thank you for being that person!!!
I just love the rearranging you have done with all my apps. Now when I go to send a text message, I get screen that pops up telling me how the DOW Jones is doing, and when I go to make a call my phone points due north instead! I see you have also discovered how to download apps directly to my phone too! You must have read my mind, because I’ve always wanted an app that turns my screen into a light saber, and one that lists the top 25 sex positions one can do while standing up!!! The best part is that thanks to you, I just paid 5 bucks for both those apps!
I really enjoyed the part where you felt it necessary to go on my Facebook and update my status to “So-in-so was here”! Really? I must have forgotten we’re in kindergarten and it’s cool to let the whole world know where we have been every two seconds. You think you’re clever huh? Well I must say that the penis that you drew and took a picture of and set it as my background is a great touch my phone! Why didn’t I think of doing that myself?
But most of all I want to thank you for being so persistent enough to manage to lock me out of my own damn phone! Okay maybe I can understand that you were curious and thought you could crack the code. Frist try, wrong! Second try, wrong again! Maybe you were thinking third time’s a charm right? But let me ask you, when you saw the message on my phone that read “iPhone disabled, try again in 10 minutes” why didn’t it cross your mind to hmmm I don’t know, STOP?? NOO you just weren’t satisfied until it read “TRY AGAIN IN 60 MINUTES”!!!!! So thanks again for wasting my money, time and effort! Your consideration is greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart!
Sincerely yours,
Mandie <3

The author's comments:
I hate when people touch my stuff, especially my phone, so heres to you people that can't keep their hands to yourselves; what would we do without you!?!?!

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