Fake! | Teen Ink


November 19, 2012
By lemondrops BRONZE, Augusta, Georgia
lemondrops BRONZE, Augusta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
one day your life will flash before your eyes make sure its worth watching ~ Gerard Way

Why is it that everything I read or see in magazines or TV screens? Every girl has a larger chest, a smaller waist, better hair and a more symmetrical face than anyone I know. At first while looking at these beauty queens it may occur to you that I’m the freak because I do not share their Barbie physique, and maybe that’s true. But second glances reveal to me just one very crucial thing, FAKE, fake hair, fake teeth, fake lips that speak fake words and form fake smile in attempt to sell their fake lies about their fake chest, fake thighs, fake nails, fake eyelashes, and ever so fake lives with their fake eyes that never blink so they can watch all their fake friendships sink. 80% plastic 20% more wouldn’t you agree that their lifestyle is quite a chore. I admire the simple things the quirks and all natural features that I do not dare change. I admire the freckles and lopsided smiles and how compassionate eyes always seem to glimmer. I admire stubby little nails that you bite when you’re nervous the bruises that show me where you’ve been and scars remind me who you are. Blemishes tell me your human and teardrops remind me you have a beating heart and smiles let me know that you’ll be all right. So above all, simple things like honesty innocence and bravery are what I find most intriguing. Never change for someone else if they don’t like you for yourself then leave them in the dust because they do not deserve your second chances. When I look in the mirror I see me with all my scars and bruises that bring back faded memories oh what a glorious thing to see each morning. I wouldn’t change anything about me if my life depended on it. I know whom I am and if that’s not good enough for you than get out of my way. I will not explain myself to you. I will not sink down to your level. I am whom I am if I didn’t like it I would have changed by now but I haven’t so back off. So next time you see on TV screens. Or in magazines some Barbie freak ask your self do I want to be fake or do I want to be me and live my life that no one can change for me!

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