Occurrences on the Ceiling | Teen Ink

Occurrences on the Ceiling

November 26, 2012
By rbelson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
rbelson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Flowing water transcends seasons as it constantly flows around the familiar creeks and bends. In the winter, it transforms into a magical frosty wonderland full of adventures. The snow falls, capping the reeds that hug the bank, each sprout donning a plump white hat. They are now dressed for the occasion. Ice forms, giving the river a fresh coat of possibilities. Life beneath looks through a different lens. Underneath, the water snakes around it’s cozy curves as the fish look up to see peculiar lined markings on the roof. Shadows spin and glide on the frosty ceiling as a red scarf tails behind being tossed merrily through the wind. Suddenly a thud bestows the fish with a near glance at the shadow, the enormous pale form attempts to regain balance. The figure wobbles, glides, and meets the ceiling once more. A breathless giggle escapes the mouth of the shadow, and it wiggles it’s rosy nose before hoisting up once more to continue the jubilant twirling. Soon the rigid ceiling liquefies as the reeds lose their caps once again to the heightening sun. New residents poke through the green sproutlings to view great the river. Newborn fish are introduced to the river’s way of life, the bends and twists becoming familiar. The shadows peering down into their homes have taken rather odd forms, their faces twisting and turning with the currents of the river. The rosy coloring migrated from the nose to the cheeks as the shadows seem rejuvenated with spirit. Shadow appear at more frequent intervals and on a particularly warm day, a long yellow form hits the water. A black form swipes the water on one side then jumps out of the water and lands on the opposite side of the yellow pod. The black shape continues to rhythmically swipe at the ceiling until it successfully carries the yellow form to the mouth of the river, where it disappears only to return a short time later. Along with the reoccurrence of the yellow form, other objects break the ceiling as the sun strengthens. Soon, pairs of triangular forms attached to black sticks with knobby knots dangle into the river. The knobby knots propel the tear drop shaped shadows along the bends and twists. Occasionally another stick appears, this time a the stick dons a fearful looking face which snaps at the colony trying to lure members to its belly. Noise fills the river as spinning metal propels two gray cylinders through the water, like the yellow form ventures past the mouth of the river, into the abundant body of water. The vibrant sun attracts green visitors with a hard shell whom perch themselves on the drift wood. They spend the duration of their visit idly catching rays. They are given a magnificent visual spectacle as the reeds stretch towards the sky and burst into firecrackers of purple and yellow. The show draws to a close. The lights dim and the falling leaves form a curtain over the river. The visitors and the triangle sticks reluctantly return to their safe homes. The yellow pod and the brisk moving cylinders venture through less frequently until one day ceasing. The river reforms a roof in the hopes of spotting the joyous shadows whom dance upon the ceiling.

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