She Scared the Deer Away | Teen Ink

She Scared the Deer Away

February 20, 2013
By MNH3194 BRONZE, Farmingdale, New York
MNH3194 BRONZE, Farmingdale, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury

Perhaps it was her energy, so full of chaos and panic. A quick and sudden outburst scared them away. Unannounced and swift was their escape. For days they lay in wait to emerge again. Alas the chaos was persistent for days, even in the icy chill. Demons had danced around her at every second of the day, driving the innocent creatures away. Slowly under the cover of winter's freezing night few attempted to appear again. For a moment there was hope...until it started again. In a cloud of smoke and another outburst they were driven back into hiding. The sound of their hooves only beckoned the demons closer, their claws nipping at their tender haunches. And then it was all over. She was gone without another word. Peace returned and the chaos ceased.

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