Pictures of My Family | Teen Ink

Pictures of My Family

May 1, 2013
By Hayleyshae BRONZE, Hampden, Massachusetts
Hayleyshae BRONZE, Hampden, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is what it is.

She is Twenty-Five, and I am 8 Years old. Standing in my kitchen drinking hot chocolate and coffee, waiting to go get in the car to go to bright nights. My mom takes a picture of us on my camera that prints the picture out onto a sticker. We smile and laugh, her standing behind me, in sweatshirts and smiles. One of my favorite pictures ever, because it was one of our first.
The day or two after March 31, 2008 we go to see her in the hospital. She just had my new baby cousin. The day I found out she was pregnant I got mad. I felt like she was going to forget about me and I would never be able to see her. When I walked into the room I saw him, Chase David. I am afraid to sit next to my aunt or hug her because I thought I was going to hurt her. She tells me its okay I can sit and hug her. I hold the baby, amazed at how beautiful he is. I would have never imagined how close we are today. It’s me and him every weekend, taking pictures laughing and playing, he is my little man and no one can keep us apart!
I get home from Dunkin Donuts to see my Aunt at my house. Surprised I go and hug her. I look at her face and she says, “This is my boyfriend Doug, and his three kids.” Shy, I say hi. She talks fondly of me, saying how sweet I am, I am smiling on the outside but on the inside I am sad that I know she is leaving.
As I sleep in Alexis’s bed, out of nowhere I hear, “Bug get up.” I open my eyes to see my aunt standing in the door way of the bed room. I ask what time it is and she quickly responds, “3:30 Am.” I look at her as if she is crazy. She proceeds to tell me she cannot sleep so I get out of bed and go down stairs and sit with her on the couch watching T.V.

I am sitting in the passenger seat looking at my aunt Bev driving on the highway. Dancing and joking around to Oh My Gosh by Usher. Singing to her is more like yelling. Laughing and smiling her bright smile puts a smile on my face too. Driving that hour and a half ride we always find amusement in something. Whether it is dancing, singing, laughing, talking, anything.
“I’m sexy and I know it, wiggle wiggle wiggle” Comes out of my Aunts mouth while dancing on the deck in the summer with a Smirnoff in one hand, her left foot off the ground and her tongue sticking out of her mouth. As the rest of the family surrounds her, watching and laughing as she dances, she calls me to come over and dance along with her.

Five A.M on a Monday morning, driving through Deerfield to get to the highway. Listening to an audio book, me half asleep. Out of nowhere we get hit by a deer. My Aunt screams. I put my feet down off the dash, grab my coffee and laugh. We pull into the gas station to see the damage: the back seat driver side of her maroon pilot is dented. She’s furious, we drive back to make sure the deer is dead. As we drive away my aunt proceeds to say, “A deer just committed suicide on my car.”
I was not aloud up to Ashfield, My Aunts’ house for about a month and a half. When I get to the Hampden bank in Longmeadow, right by the highway, I am so excited to see my aunt. Knowing I was an hour away from seeing my cousin chase who I had missed so dearly put a smile on my face. When I get out of the car when we pull into the drive way I grab my bag and some groceries. Out of nowhere I hear, “Buuuggggg” and then see a kid come flying out of the door and running full speed to my legs. I put the bags down and pick him up, he hugs me and kissed me and goes, “bug I missed you sooooooo much. I love you bug.”

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