A writer is..... | Teen Ink

A writer is.....

December 5, 2013
By AnzaK SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
AnzaK SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

A writer is someone who can change the world by just picking up a pen and writing 2 words down. A writer is someone who can shine the world with his words. I heard the teacher say you have 30minutes to free write. Write about anything you want. Your life, school or anything .I couldn’t think of anything to write my mind was blank at that time I was so nervous my hands were sweating my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t think of anything to write about.” you have to share at the end of the class last 15minutes of the class u have to share all of you have to share. “As I was looking at the time my heart was beating really fast I couldn’t think of anything. I picked up my pen and my heart started beating fast. I could see everyone’s pens and pencil’s moving but when I would look at my paper my heart would drop. I picked up my pen and started scrabbling words on to the paper until I remembered the word my life. I started rhyming the words with my live and started making poetry. With the word my life. I wrote 5 sentences and felt so relived when I saw that my paper was filled with words that I can share hated writing I would think that writing was the most boring thing ever. But when I took creative writing I learned I can say what ever I want through my words. I can express my feelings and emotions through my words. I hate to share my feelings with people I am really bad at sharing my feelings’ never want anybody to feel what I feel. But since I have taken creative writing I never needed anyone or felt like I need someone. When ever I have something to say I just pick up my pen and start writing down every word in my mind every emotion in my heart. Best way to share your emotions and feelings is through writing. If you want to bring a change into the world you can use your writing to change everything you can use writing to take out your anger your emotions feel so relief .writing has helped me with me seeing the world through new point of view a new perspective . i am so happy that I have taken creative writing class.

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