Boys Will Be Boys | Teen Ink

Boys Will Be Boys

December 5, 2013
By snowasyougo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
snowasyougo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dark, silky hair, eyes that shimmer in the sunlight, ivory skin that is smooth to the touch, a charming, sparkling smile, a toned body, and a tall stature: this is how I would describe the appearance of my prince charming, my soul mate, and my perfect man. Every girl dreams of this man, yet, for some reason or another, he never quite lives up to our expectations, and sometimes the dream becomes a nightmare. Men always complain that women are hard to understand, but in truth, men are equally as complicated as women are. To attain a better understanding of men, I decided to put them into categories according to their most prominent traits. With these traits, I related them to famous Disney characters that resembled the characteristics the best. Looking at these traits through the characters Gaston, from Beauty and the Beast, Milo Thatch, from Atlantis, and Flynn Rider, from Tangled, the true qualities we should seek become apparent.

Brawn like Gaston
Just think of Brawny Paper Towels, "the strength to get things done." This is a handy man that does not mind getting dirty. Whether he is a bad boy or a jock, he is built. Like Gaston, he has muscles and cares about maintaining them. He will spend several hours a week at the gym or at sports practice, and beforehand he may eat four, maybe even five dozen eggs to be roughly the size of a barge. This man enjoys spending time with his buddies, watching sports games, toying with cars, getting a drink, and the like. This can be a downside if he would rather spend time with the guys then with you. He might also treat his girl the same way he treats ‘one of the guys’. He may do the heavy lifting, the plumbing, and fix miscellaneous items, but be assured that he will rarely cook, clean, or do other things that he sees as "women’s work." It would also be characteristic of him to demand that his girlfriend or wife make him a sandwich, which reflects Gaston’s openly sexist attitude toward women. Because all of his energy is put into building his body, not much effort is expended in developing his brain. This can make it difficult for him to keep up in a conversation with you, even if it is only small talk. It is especially frustrating if you are looking for someone to talk to in depth about a serious topic. The greatest difficulty you may face is finding common interests if, like Gaston, his only areas of expertise are himself and hunting. This type will be more of a doer than a thinker.

Men Like Milo
Unlike brawny boys, these boys developed their brains instead of their muscle mass. They will almost always try to trump a woman’s intuition and prove them wrong, completely disregarding the understood law that women are always right. These boys are often considered nerds, dorks, dweebs, and called offensive names like “four-eyes” because like Milo, they tend to wear glasses that make their eyes look twice as large as they normally would. Nerds can sometimes be so cocky about their abundance of knowledge that it makes them difficult to tolerate. Other times, they can be useful by helping with difficult concepts expressed in math or science classes. Their knowledge can be more beneficial than strength in a crisis, as Milo illustrates when uses his wit to save the city of Atlantis. Though this type is typically friend-zoned, when given the chance, they can prove to be a great partner that never runs out of interesting topics of conversation. It is not unheard of, however, for the nerd to win the girl in the end, as Milo won the heart of Kida, the queen of Atlantis. One drawback to this type can be the disappointment you feel when they do not want to partake in social events or get-togethers. Often shy as they are sweet, they do not like to be taken out of their comfort zone.

Flamboyant as Flynn Rider
These are boys that are more likely to fight over a mirror than a girl. They are so vain that they probably think this essay is about them. Acting, modeling, singing, playing an instrument, drawing, or anything else that showcases their looks and talent is their strong point. They can also be known as the artistic type, and like Flynn, can weaken knees with their smolder. These types are fun to date because they are happy to participate in things you would otherwise do with your girlfriends. Artists tend to be romantic, the kind of men that write songs or poetry for their girlfriends. A con of dating Flynn’s type is that they typically do not commit to one girl; they like to explore their options, and sometimes those options include their same gender. They generally do not stick to one person because they believe that their good looks should be shared with all, unless you are his Rapunzel and can draw out his Eugene Fitzherbert. This type is deep, nothing like the personality they put on to cover their injured true self that they hide away from most. Ultimately, artistic types shy away from the status quo, finding unique ways to express themselves through any outlet they find.

There are positive and negative sides to every type. All you have to do is determine which attributes are the most essential, and which ones you can do without. Truly, the most perfect men are the ones who posses a little of each personality type. He should be a man who is pleasant to look at because he cares about his appearance and build, with interests in the arts and sports. You want him to have enough intellect to keep a conversation going and be artistic enough to want to do something sweet and romantic for you. In the end, the perfect man is the man you love despite any flaws he has, or faults he commits.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 12 2013 at 7:28 pm
Brianna Coats BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Maggie! My essay is right above yours! lol <3 Bri