How I Got My Puppy | Teen Ink

How I Got My Puppy

December 11, 2013
By FaithMarie BRONZE, Dallas Center, Iowa
FaithMarie BRONZE, Dallas Center, Iowa
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Favorite Quote:
"Not knowing something, doesn't mean your stupid. It just means that you still have room to wonder." -Anon

When I was in 6th grade, we were looking for a new puppy. (Not a new one but another one.) We looked at a website and we found this really cute Black Lab-Great Dane mix. So we drove to Heinz57 in Desoto and got her. We named her Nola. We had her for three days and she was so much fun. Her and my other puppy, Gracie, got along so good. They played together and even hid together. Then it was Monday and it was time for her to get neutered. I remember her whimpering because she was in the back of our car in a kennel.

I was telling everyone about her at school and showed pictures. When I got home, it was usual but Nola wasn’t home. I had a theory she was still at the doctor’s. She was. But when my grandma got home she wasn’t with her. She sat down and told us that Nola had died. What happened was she had a perfect surgery, but when she was sleeping afterwards, she had a heart attack. They told my grandma she may have had a heart problem but they didn’t see anything in her blood. Me and my sister started sobbing even my brother did. My little puppy Gracie even knew what had happened.

Four days later, Heinz57 called us saying they are selling puppies again and we can come see if we liked any of them. They told us that we can get on for free since we payed for one and they felt bad that she died. I saw this black lab with three boy chocolate labs. She was so cute. She had a red tag (collar) that said Kourtney on it. I fell in love with her because she was so cute, and she just sat there looking at me while her “brothers” were pooping everywhere. I picked her up and she was so cute and she was licking my face and wagging her tail so much.

When I showed my grandma her she told me maybe. I was a little crushed so I had to put her back with her “brothers”. She started to cry and I picked her up and I looked at my grandma, and she was writing stuff on paper, and I asked what she was doing, and she told me to go to the car…… with the puppy. I was so excited!

In the car she was like a toddler she was in someone’s arms and wanted to go to the next persons hand and the next and next. She stayed in my arms the longest. When we got home immediately Gracie didn’t like her. We name the puppy Lyza-Jayne. We got her March 1, 2012. Her birthday is January 1st.

Lyza eventually learned to go to the back door if she needed to go outside. She was biting us really hard and scratching us. I even got a scratch on my face and its a scar. She was starting to learn from Gracie. She learned that cuddling is a normal thing to do for a dog. (Except when she cuddles she pushes me off my own bed.) We have had her for almost two years and she is big already.

Lyza always wants to play with Gracie. Occasionally they have tug of war fights and barking at each other. When Lyza gets older she will be protective of Gracie and my family. Right now she only protects me, whenever anyone fake punches me, Lyza is right there biting and barking.

I love my two dogs and I always will. Lyza is so stupid and dumb. She is scared of everything. It is so funny. Lyza is so cute and is more cute when she is sleeping because then she doesn’t want to bite us or she isn’t hitting us with her tail or something. She even learned our bad habit with feeding our dogs table food, but we only feed them with stuff we don’t like. Like veggies and with me, they get my meat. Lyza learned kennel up, sit, lay, and shake. Sometime she gets confused with sit and lay, or she is just really focused on that treat. She even learned our morning routine and what a walk was. She doesn’t try to run away anymore either. We just call her name and she comes back. She still hasn’t learned to not bark at everything she sees or eating everything. But she will learn eventually. I love her so much and I can’t wait to see her get bigger and smarter!

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