The Day I'll Never Forget | Teen Ink

The Day I'll Never Forget

December 15, 2013
By Anonymous

That whole day seemed like a drag leading up to one thing. All I wanted to do this one adventure. This need was so bad, that I kept replaying it in my mind. My sister’s boyfriend’s brother was having his 15th birthday party in Fort Lauderdale. My sister was going, and I wanted to go too. All day we had been talking about it, all we had to do was ask mom, which scared me because mom didn’t like her boyfriend all that much. As I’m sitting in the car I just kept imagining the words “no” come out of my mother’s mouth, and that was what made me dread this day the most.

I was ready to go, I wanted to go, but when I heard that dreadful two-letter word come out of my mom’s mouth, it felt like we just lost the state cup championship. Well at least that’s what it felt like back then. After that my whole day went bad, I felt like there was a storm cloud hanging over my head. I just wanted this one thing and I couldn’t do it, my mom didn’t even give me a good answer! I just want to go to the water park. Back then, it may have been because I thought his brother was cute, but that was irrelevant. I mostly wanted this day with my sister, Chelsea.

Later that night my mom tried to talk to me. With my stubborn ways, I didn’t have any of it. I got out of there faster than my mom could say


I went right in my room and locked my self away.

What seemed like hours later, someone knocked on my door. With an annoyed gasp I got up expecting my mom, but when I opened the door it was my sister, Chelsea standing there. I let her in reluctantly; she sat next to me on the bed. I was still wicked angry with my mom for not saying yes. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I don’t take no well, like my mom says “its my way or the highway”. I definitely didn’t take “no” well at the age of 9. My sister looked at me, and what she said next made me feel like a million bucks.

“ I know you really wanted to go,” she said, “but mom doesn’t want you too. I also know you wanted to spend the day with me, so I’m going to tell Alex I cant drive tomorrow!”

I jumped up, now all the energy back in my body, but she sat me down to tell me more.

“ Tomorrow we can go to the beach and hang out, and we can even go on jet skis!”

We talked it over with mom, and surprisingly she was very fond of a sister’s day out!

All I could do was nod my head, this moment was the most excited I had been all year! My heart was pounding right out of my chest, all I wanted to do now was go to sleep and let tomorrow come really quick! My sister and me said good night and settled down for a nice slumber.

The next morning, I woke up with a spring in my step; I looked out my window to hear the birds chirping wildly. I looked in the kitchen, nothing just a bunch of dirty dishes I forgot to do. Then my sister’s room, she wasn’t there, but maybe she was getting supplies for our big day. Next was the balcony, still nothing. I stayed out there listening to the how noisy the cars were on Collier Blvd. As I stand out there I saw dark clouds rolling, meaning a big storm was about to come rolling in. I thought about our plans, and worry washed over my face, seeing that we might have to change our plans. As I kept looking for my sister, I found my mom in her office, when she saw me she had a blank expression on her face, but at the time I didn’t think anything of it. I walked into her office and took a seat I asked her where Chelsea was, and she looked at me sympathetically. Now this my mom never does unless it’s serious. This look made my heart beat just a tiny bit faster. She turned and what she said next made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

“Honey”, she whispered. She paused for only long enough to collect her thoughts. “She left at 5 this morning to go drive Alex’s brother and friends to the water park.”

When I heard that all I could do is cry, the whole room froze and my mom grew silent. I felt like someone just stabbed me in the back. My heart was pounding so hard. I was mixed with anger, hurt, and a little bit of betrayal. All I could think was how could the one person, your family, the one you’re suppose to trust let you down and leave you without even an “I’m sorry.” My mom didn’t even try to comfort me, she knew I was a ticking time bomb, and my fuse was getting short. I just got up and walked towards my room shoulders still shrugged and pout still plastered on my face.

I cried all day long, I just couldn’t get over the fact that Chelsea left me for her dumb boyfriend that she just got together with. I never wanted to talk to her again. The whole day I just sat in my bed and cried then would get over it and then it would come back, and I would just cry all over again.

When she finally returned all burned with a big huge smile on her face, I just wanted to go away forever. When she saw me came rushing over to me for the 2nd time today, I just turned and walked away from her. We said nothing for the whole night.

Eventually one day we did talk it out, but this will never be quiet the same for us. What I learned at a very young age really helped shape me today. It helped shape me by learning to make a promise and always keep it. I will now never make a promise that I cant keep. Every person in the world has most likely been let down, either by a parent, friends. It can even be by someone that you may not know, such as a famous person. In life things are not always what it seems, but you have to make the best of what you have. As Forest Gump would put it, “life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what your gonna get.”

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