Snapshots of My Life | Teen Ink

Snapshots of My Life

January 14, 2014
By Lewis Yeaple BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
Lewis Yeaple BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kayaking down the rapid current of the river, losing control of the unassailable paddle. The kayak swerving drastically catching onto the thick branches of a fallen tree. Frozen like a deer in headlights I watched as the kayak tossed over me. My yelps of panic drowned out from the droning sound of the rushing water climbing up my body. My little hands released their clutch on the paddle. As I looked down the river the paddle was no longer visible. Head submerging the bubbles of terror gushed from my mouth.

My eyes peering on the dead, deserted, dissipating beach. Clinging onto my small floaty, the shore crept farther and farther away. My arms increasely getting number, I scream for help. The frigid wind sunk its teeth into my flesh. Losing my grip I slowly slipped from the top of the floaty. Sinking into the water, incapable of floating I saw the brink of the surface fade.

Standing on the shore of the motionless pond alone. Staring into the murky depths of the water below me. A creature flowing through the mud like a fluid. Intrigued, I reached into the water. I pulled the creature from the water. To my surprise the head of a water snake came into my view. Horrified, the creature opened its mouth as wide as a yawning cat. Frozen by dismay the fangs of the snake drew closer to me, I hear the shrill sound of its hiss. Releasing my grip the slick reptile descended back into the pond.

The author's comments:
Here are three quick paced experiences I have had in my life that have left its mark on me.

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