The Day I Cheated Death | Teen Ink

The Day I Cheated Death

March 25, 2014
By jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s like my whole life flashed by in a blink of an eye. That day still replays inside my head. Over and over again. Death was in my reach. But, I wasn’t ready.

It was a beautiful day in the summer. Everybody was out, having fun. I was in the car with my significant other. We didn’t see it coming. A woman had ran stop sign. This caused us to hit her car. On the driver’s side.

When he pushed the brakes, my head hit the windshield extremely hard. Leaving a huge crack. On my side. I was scared. Shaking. He started freaking out. Asking if I was okay. I lied felt like I was going to pass out.

I felt weak. Maybe I had a concussion. I wouldn’t know, the hospital was a place I didn’t want to be. So we didn’t go. We went home. He was still freaking out. After that day, I made sure I was careful. Even if I wasn’t behind the wheel.

Let this be a lesson learned. Be careful on the road. We didn’t think we would get into a car accident coming from the store. That just show, anything can happen. No matter how careful and good you are driving, doesn’t mean other people are.

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